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Linh was enjoying Walnut Creek so far. Well, besides from the mucky air, but she was getting used to it. She loved that life here was imperfect, at least, compared to the elven world. Then again, the elven world wasn't exactly perfect, based on her own experience. But Linh liked seeing people live on without such advances in technology that existed in her world. From cute little methods of transportation such as "motorcycles" and "bicycles", to a "smoothie" at Jamba Juice, the Forbidden Cities were amazingly different from the elven world.

Well, Linh would enjoy strolling through the forbidden cities if she wasn't lost. Why was she here if it was a Forbidden City anyway? Because the Black Swan had sent her on a mission. So far, she'd had little success. 

Being here reminded Linh of Sophie, who had grown up in this world. Not in Walnut Creek, but San Diego. Linh hoped she was okay, then reminded herself that Sophie was strong. Stronger than she looked. She would be able to defend herself, being an inflictor, a teleporter, a telepath, and a polygot. Not only that, but the Black Swan had also tossed in photographic memory into the package for Sophie.

The Neverseen had been reported to be seen, leaving some mysterious liquid substance around Walnut Creek. Weird. The Black Swan had sent her because of her ability over water. Being a hydrokinetic didn't necessarily make things easier on this mission, though. For one, she couldn't find the darn substance. At first, Linh had been excited to take this mission, getting time away from her overprotective brother. Tam had protested first, insisting that she take him with her. The Black Swan patiently explained that there was no need. 

Now, Linh wished her brother was here. She wasn't making any progress. Tam would probably have better luck at this. 

She sank on a nearby bench outside of the city library. Linh couldn't stop insulting herself, telling her how stupid she was, how she had thought that she was capable of handling this mission alone when she noticed a boy with an orange shirt on. He seemed particularly grieved and upset. What was he eating? A blue sandwich? 

Normally, Linh wouldn't talk to random guys on the street. But she was curious and had nothing else to do. Besides, he might know something about Neverseen. "Hey." She sat down next to the boy.

The boy noticed her. He probably thought it strange that she was talking to him, but responded. "Hey. What do you want?" He had dark hair that swept across his forehead and curious green eyes.

Linh shrugged. "Well, this may sound crazy, but have you seen a dark liquid seemingly spilled on the floor around? Maybe, perhaps, it appeared around yesterday?" He probably thought she had lost her mind. "By the way, I'm Linh."

The boy frowned and put down his sandwich. "I'm Percy. Percy Jackson." He seemed to hesitate. "A black substance? No. Never seen it before."

Linh sighed. Well, it had been worth a try. "Okay, thanks. Just...thought I'd check." She bit her lip. "Sorry for wasting your time! Bye!" 

But as she started walking away, Percy called. "Um, wait, can I ask you why you're asking about this...Um, dark substance?" 

She turned back, choosing her words carefully. "It's for an...investigation," she told him. "Something happened, and I... was sent to investigate."

"Um, okay. And...are you searching for people involved with...this liquid?"

Linh was surprised. "Yeah, I am. You don't know anyone, do you?"

Percy grimaced. "Maybe I do. Why?"

"Hey, you asked!" Linh wasn't sure of what to make of Percy. 

He blew out a breath. "I'm sorry. It's just... Well, anyways, I guess you could say I know a bit about the dark liquid."

"You do?" Now she was shocked. She hadn't expected this.

Percy fiddled with his fingers. "Yeah, I do."

Linh waited for him to tell more. It seemed painful for him to reveal information about the liquid. Strange, she thought. "Well...can you tell me?"

He fiddled even more. "Yeah..."

Linh waited impatiently, tapping her foot when finally Percy spoke. "My, um...friend, she...was involved." He paused. "This might sound really, really weird."

 Linh told him she didn't mind. 

Percy glanced around. "We should go somewhere else."

They headed off into the library. Percy lead Linh up some stairs, and she admired the spiraling sculpture built with colored bottles hanging from the ceiling. Humans could indeed create beautiful and unique things out of recyclable objects.

Linh didn't know if she should trust Percy. She didn't know much about him, and found him to be hiding something. Then again, Percy didn't know anything about her either, and she hadn't given him a reason to trust her yet. But Linh didn't have a better plan, and she couldn't return empty handed, so she shut all suspecting thoughts out, and followed Percy.

The Abilities (Percy Jackson Meets Linh Song)-By TheNamelessGroupof2Where stories live. Discover now