Chapter 13

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Bella's POV

We got off the plane and it was very sunny outside especially for London. The skies were blue, the grass was green, and the air was fresh, everything seemed perfect. We got our luggage and walked to a limo parked a little ways away. We all filed in and sat down. Alice then began passing out small folders.

"These are our schedules and room assignments, so when we get there we can basically start moving in right away, all we have to do is get our room keys." Alice said

"All the guys have rooms together and us girls do to so no worries about rooming with other people." Rosalie chimed in.

"Cool." we all said in unison.

The rest of the ride was really quiet with small conversations here and there. I mainly looked out the window, looking at all of the London scenery. I'm guessing the school was pretty close to the city because I could see Big Ben from where we were driving.

We finally turned a corner and pulled into a long drive way. After we got past all the tree's big beautiful castle like buildings came into view. I gaped at the beautiful scenery. The castle's looked for modernized but with a nostalgic feel to them. The campus was huge, I've never seen any school this big. There were kids everywhere with suitcases and bags looking for their rooms and others standing around socializing. There was also a long line of students who were lined up in front of a stand probably getting room keys. The limo finally pulled up in front of the main building I'm guessing. I put my sunglasses on and got ready to get out of the car. Everyone else shuffled out and I sat in the limo for a minute. 

"Are you okay Bella?" Edward asked.

"Yea" I said taking a deep breath then taking Edwards hand helping me out of the car. 

"Okay guys let me just get our room keys and we can go" Alice said then walked off

She then walked to the front of the long line of students and basically demanded for our room keys. All the other students whined and groaned about her cutting the line until they found out who she was. Then all eyes were on the rest of our family. Alice then came back with our keys and we began walking off. The guys decided to walk us to our dorm and then go to theirs to unpack. We went into a building that said


We then took the elevator to the top floor and walked down the hall to room 100. Our room was way bigger then I though any dorm room would be. There was a decent sized living room with three bedrooms. The room had a whole entertainment system for us. I looked into each of the bedrooms and we all had queen sized beds and a nightstand next to it. We also had a decent sized walk in closet for each of us. There was a decent sized bathroom that the three of us had to share. All in all, the entire dorm was better than I thought it would be. I thought we would all have a really small room with bunk beds and one closet to share. Now that I see our real dorms that idea sounds absolutely horrific. 

When I go back into the living room the guys are gone and us girls are just getting settled. 

"I'm exhausted and hungry, we should call the guys and get something to eat." Alice says

"I'm too tired to go out lets just order in some pizza and unpack, then tomorrow we can show Bella around the campus." Rose says while stretching her arms and yawning. 

"Yea that's cool." Alice says

Rosalie orders us some pizza and I go to my room to unpack my things. It takes awhile considering all the clothes I have but when I'm finally finished it looks exactly how I want it. My clothes are all put away neatly in my closet and my shoes are lined up perfectly and I even put up a couple posters of Rob Pattinson who may i say is totally gorgeous. 

When the pizza finally gets here Alice is still in her room trying to sort her clothes by color, size, and occasion. So Rose and I enjoy the pizza while watching TV. When I finally decide to go to bed it's 10:45 and I'm totally exhausted. I say goodnight to Rose who is half asleep on the couch, and Alice is asleep on her bed still covered in piles of clothes. I trudge to my room and throw on some pajama shorts and a t-shirt and lay down. I check my phone and see that I have a text from Edward. I smile and leave it unread before drifting away into sleep.

Authors Note

Sorry for just now updating the story and for the short chapter. I just got into reading the story After by Anna Todd @imaginator1D and I am totally obsessed. I'm sure most of you guys read it because it is so popular but if you haven't do it immediately it is so overly amazing. Anna is a really good author and always  updates so give it a try. But anyways, vote and comment I can't actually believe so many people are enjoying this book so send feedback my way I would totally appreciate it. Love you guys <3  byeee.

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