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I parked my Porsche in the drive way and I noticed there was also a limousine there. I guess whoever our guests are, were also wealthy. I walked inside the mansion and I gasped when I seen the royal family sitting in my living room. I quickly collected myself and curtsied and they got up to introduce themselves. The King had blonde hair and sky blue eyes. He was tall and slightly muscular. He was the obvious leader and spoke with such leadership. His wife the Queen was beautiful. She had long brown hair that cascaded down her back. She gave me a warm motherly like smile. Then there daughter introduced herself as Alice. She was very slim and tiny, she had short black hair and she looked really excited like a pixie. One of their sons introduced himself as Emmett. He had a deep booming voice, I could've sworn he made the room shake. He had dark hair and brown eyes, he was big and extremely muscular. But he had a dimply smile that made him seem like a big teddy bear. Then his son that was about to take the throne approached me.

"Hello, I'm Prince Edward." He stated.

I held out my hand for him to shake but he kissed my knuckles. I giggled and blushed.

"Hi, I'm Isabella but everyone calls me Bella." he smiled and walked back to his seat. Edward was really tall and slightly muscular. He had light brown hair and bright green eyes. His cheek bones and jawline were flawless, and his smile filled the room.

We all sat together in the living room after getting acquainted with one another. My mother cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Well Isabella as you know Prince Edward is soon to be king. But in order to do so he needs a bride so his family and ours decided to have an arranged marriage with you." I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Then I suddenly couldn't breathe I was starting to panic. My father ran to me. "Bells are you alright? "honey talk to me."

"No, I'm not alright, you guys want to get rid of me, and to think I actually trusted you." I managed to stutter.
I ran upstairs into my room and locked the doors. I was trying to breathe but it was difficult. I let the tears I was holding back fall. I decided to call Jake to come get me. He would understand, his family would take care of me.

»On the Phone with Jake«

His phone rang three times before he answered.
"Hey Bella what's up?"
'Jake I need your help, they're sending me away come get me'
"I'm on my way, Bella don't worry"

He hung up and I balled up crying. I knew my mother hated me but I never knew she would've sent me away. It really hurt that my father agreed. He has always been there for me and now he's just giving me away, how could he. I heard Jakes truck pull up outside. I jumped from balcony to balcony before I was close enough to the ground to jump. I ran to his truck and locked the doors. He drove to the gate but security wouldn't let us go. Then the royal family and my parents came outside. I couldn't say goodbye to Jacob he was my best-friend. I started to cry and he pulled me into a hug.
"I guess this is goodbye Bells."
"I can't leave Jake, I'll miss you to much, you mean everything to me, you're my only friend."
"I know Bella, you mean the world to me too, but don't be sad at least you get to live with the royal family. " We laughed and I gave him one last hug before I was about to get out. "Bella wait, before you go I want to do one last thing." I turned around and he kissed me. I pulled back in shock. "Jake you know I don't like you like that."
" I know Bells I just had to try." I giggled and got out of the truck.

I walked back to the mansion and everyone was looking at me. My mother was livid with anger. "We're leaving now you're things are already packed." Edward spoke. I glared at him and everyone just got in the limo. I turned to my parents one last time. My father had sadness in his eyes and my mother just glared. I turned around and got in the limo without saying a word.

We arrived at the airport in Seattle after about 30 minutes. I immediately jumped out of the limo and walked towards the entrance.
"Bella, we have our own private jet." Edward called. I just turned around and walked with everyone else. We all got on the plane and took our seats. "Can I sit here?" Edward asked. "Out of every seat on this plane why do you decide to seat with me?" I huffed and looked out the small window. "I'll take that as a yes." he said and sat down.

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