The bath towel was wrapped around him, covering him from the waist until his knees. He opened the bathroom door was greeted delightfully with the smell of hot crisp bacon, scrambled egg (just the way he liked them), toast and probably some kind of beverage (he couldn't really make it out though).

It was all laid down on the small, rounded, wooden table near the window, a new, red checkered table cloth spread out smoothly underneath with some pretty flowers in a vase. Cas sure knew how to set a table too.

Cas couldn't help staring at Dean as he got dressed.
It was as if he was getting fitter everyday. Cas adored Dean's body- it had only taken a year or so for him to have it embedded in his memory.
Every detail, every muscle, every curve or swoop, Cas knew it all yet every time he saw Dean he found himself transfixed on his beautiful body yet again.

"What are you staring at Cas?" Dean grinned, putting on his shirt and then walking over to join him at the table.

"You, obviously" Cas said back, trying his hardest to pull a flirty face.

"Careful there Cas, you'll pull a muscle if you keep that face on. It looks like a cross between a very evil smile and a that dreaded winky face emoticon" Dean chuckled.

"If you must know, it was my second best attempt of a flirty face" he said laughing.

"What are you even like Cas?"

"I'm a full blown angel at day but at night I do what I must! To protect my fellow citizens and then of course rush back home to make sure my baby is okay" he joked.

"I think sometimes you forget I'm a hunter" Dean laughed, helping himself to the toast and apple juice on the table.

That morning they ate their breakfast, talking non stop about everything and nothing. They laughed a lot, joked a lot and smiled constantly at eachother. It was safe to say that none of them could possibly predict what would happen next.

When Dean's phone started to ring, it's same old beeping blare, he simply reached into his pocket to retrieve it. He held up two fingers to Cas, his way of signalling he'll just be a minute. Cas nodded in acknowledgment.

Dean stood up from his chair and walked around the room as he always did whenever he was on the phone.

"Hello?" Dean said after what seemed like a minute had gone past.

"Yes, is this Dean Winchester?"

"Depends who's asking. Look who is this?"

"That's a pity really, I thought you would've remembered me but oh well what can we do right?" he gave a small chuckle before continuing "Dean if you're still listening I have your brother... Sam is with me here."

"You what? I don't know what sick joke you're pulling seeing as Sam's probably with his girlfriend or something but -"

"You really dont trust me do you? Fine then listen to this..."

Zachariah put the phone under Sam's mouth and ordered him to say something to his brother. Sam knew that Zachariah was listening and that he wouldn't get a chance to warn him but it didn't stop him from trying. He was Sam Winchester after all.

"Dean? Dean! Dean listen to me I'm here with - " and that was all Sam managed to get out before Zachariah took the phone back from him.

"Ah ah ah Sam, not so quick with your words are you?"

"You let my little brother go or God so help me I will come find you and kill you!" Dean threatened.

"Is that a threat?"

"No, it's a flying fucking minion over a black rainbow, what do you think??" Dean said sarcastically, his words thickening with red hot anger.

"Look enough with the threats that you won't stand a chance to do. I'm sending you coordinates now of where I am. This is not a game. I just want to bargain with you Dean. That's not so bad right?"

"Bite me" Dean said finally before ending the call.

"Son of a bitch" he muttered to himself, already forgetting Cas was still there. He turned around and saw Cas right behind him. It made the poor guy jump a little.

"What?? What's happening?" Cas asked, confused.

Dean kissed him lightly on the cheek before grabbing his coat and his duffel bag full of gear.

"We have to go now Cas, Sam's in trouble. I'll tell you more in the car, come on!" Dean told him, holding his hand and steering him out of the door and into baby.

He sighed as his hands touched her wheel and he settled himself onto the driver's seat. God she was so beautiful. If it wasn't such an emergency that they had to go there and then he probably would've spent a few more minutes admiring her.

"Hold on Sam, we're coming" Dean said quietly, almost as if he was talking to himself.

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