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Dedicated to nanna238 and Elocoel , Sarah_BouBou_Barclay , GriggsME , deboraelizabethp

Thank u all for four hundred views!

"I have to do this." I tell them saying good bye.

I've decided to take responsibility and become fully Vamp Queen.

Good bye badass Wint, hello Queen Issabella.

I step up to the stage of where everyone in the pack can see me.

"Hello. I am not one for many words which some of you might know but I have to get used to talking. I am the new Queen of the Vamps, Queen Issabella but most of you know me as Violet Winters. I have my reasons for everything and still do. I just want to say sorry for that before I'm locked up."

I run to the vampire territory, my vampires were about to stop me but stood down when they saw I was their queen.

"Ahh Queen Violet, I am glad you have chosen to join us low lifes and come to our humble home." Alex says with mock properness.

Now, Alex here is a plain ass.

"Shut up Alex, it took a little time, I promised you and our little May that I would come."

He clicks his tongue and looks to the side of my head "oh, yes. Your dead sister's child, the princess."

I hiss at him and his cruelty, "Eve is not dead and is grieving for Xander, which she has a right to, he was her mate. She's coming back tomorrow, and if my family comes over to visit, we going to have a problem on my hands." Showing that if I go down from my families wrath, I would take him down with me.

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