"Hey, have you studied for that test today?"

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Aries: Wat.

Taurus: Uhhhhhh, I brought food for during it? That's prepared, right?

Gemini: I read Sparknotes...

Cancer: I tried, then died, then my spirit went on YouTube.

Leo: Eh.

Virgo: Yeah... I think... Oh God...

Libra: *blinks*

Scorpio: Yeah, with some friends.

Sagittarius: *looks pained while they think back for a moment* Uhh....

Capricorn: Yeah, I looked off Scorpio's notes lol

Aquarius: *awkward, deformed shrugging/flailing of the arms and weird strangled noise*

Pisces: Fuck.

My Little ZodiacTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon