When To Expect A Text Back From The Signs

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Aries: you'll probably get a reply in about a month

Taurus: 30 minutes later

Gemini: they'll probably respond before you even send the text

Cancer: give it an hour or so

Leo: when hell freezes over

Virgo: they might respond to, like, 10% of your texts. And about a week later

Libra: no more than 30 seconds

Scorpio: 20 minutes later, maybe

Sagittarius: they'll probably just reply in person the next time they see you

Capricorn: they'll respond with in five or so minutes, but then just suddenly leave for several hours in the middle of your conversation

Aquarius: you'll probably get a text back at 3 in the morning or some
Odd time

Pisces: 5 minutes later

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