The Signs Stuck In School

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Aries: "who's idea was it to lock the damn door!?"

Taurus: "chill out, seriously, someone will find a solution."

Gemini: "Why are you all freaking out? Let's do something crazy!"

Cancer: "Oh man, this is the worst."

Leo: "Alright, I've got some ideas."

Virgo: " I think we need to come up with a solid plan of action, and detail every way that we could possibly get out of here without destroying school property and get arrested."

Libra: "Sounds fair."

Scorpio: "Everyone just shut up and get to work!"

Sagittarius: "there's no need to be rude."

Capricorn: "Everyone stay calm, this is starting to ridiculous."

Aquarius: "what if this is test? What if someone is watching us and waiting to see how we individually respond to this?"

Pisces: "You people are so clueless, there is a key on top of the door frame!"
*gets up and unlocks the door for everyone else*

Scorpio: "Oh haha....Thanks Pisces."

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