The Signs Home Alone

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Aries: Screams all of their thoughts out loud; Pretends someone else is there and comes up with scenarios

Taurus: *picks up entire fridge* *laughs maniacally* *takes it to their room*

Gemini: Watches TV and playing on their phone in the living room instead of their room

Cancer: Sings as loudly as humanly possible. Thank you for waiting until everyone was gone

Leo: Talks to their self in the mirror

Virgo: Organizes their closet. They're home alone a lot

Libra: Invited their whole school over for a party

Scorpio: Sneaks girlfriend/boyfriends over

Sagittarius: Not trusted enough to be left home alone

Capricorn: Reads the dictionary cause they can

Aquarius: Puts on a batman suit and runs around the house, jumping on things and yelling, "Parkour!"

Pisces: *turns up the volume on video games*

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