How It Feels To Be Each Sign

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Aries: When you've been ready to go for hours and everyone else isn't even out of bed

Taurus: When you wait happily for someone even if you're tired but they can't find patience to wait for you

Gemini: When you go to a antique store and want to look at everything your friends get bored and leave you behind

Cancer: That last bit of hope you hold onto even though you know something is going to go wrong

Leo: When you give someone a really great present for their birthday but they don't even remember yours

Virgo: Knowing exactly how something is going to play out but trying to convince yourself that it'll go a different way

Libra: When all your friends have relationships problems and you help them through it but your still single

Scorpio: that sinking gut feeling when you see someone you like with someone else even though you know you're better

Sagittarius: When you feel manic or out of touch with reality but everyone else seems to be going along just fine

Capricorn: Working on a project for weeks to make sure it's perfect and Someone else does better that you with half effort

Aquarius: When you feel manic or out of touch with reality but everyone else seems to be going along just fine

Pisces: You're the first to help a friend in a need even if you don't think they will be they'd be there to help you

My Little ZodiacDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora