How The Signs Die In Jurassic World

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Aries: got overexcited and fell off the railing into the raptor enclosure

Taurus: tried to save their margarita during the pterodactyl attack

Gemini: turned on by their raptor buddies

Cancer: tried to save a baby triceratops during the pterodactyl attack

Leo: got trapped in the Indominus Rex enclosure

Virgo: got chomped by the Indominus Rex because they didn't cover themselves in gasoline

Libra: high heel broke while they were running away from a dinosaur

Scorpio: picked a fight with the T Rex

Sagittarius: accidentally got squashed by a brontosaurus because they left their gyrosphere to get a closer look at the dinosaur

Capricorn: only one to actually survive

Aquarius: helicopter crashed in the heat of battle

Pisces: leaned a little too far and fell into the shark-eating dinosaur's tank

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