The Signs As Different YouTuber Quotes

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Aries: love yourself because you're the only one who's with yourself. Fall in love with who you are and if anybody wants to join in on that: more power to them
- Tyler Oakley

Taurus: Today is the first day of the rest of your life so make today count
- Caspar Lee

Gemini: You are a human with one life and it is up to you to make it the best life you can
- Dan Howell

Cancer: Don't kill yourself, kill the part of you that you don't like
- Shane Dawson

Leo: Just because you don't fit society's 'standards' of 'beautiful' doesn't mean YOU aren't beautiful
- Grav3yardgirl

Virgo: don't waste your time pretending to be someone else. Life's too short to be anyone other than yourself
- Connor Franta

Libra: don't live fear. Fear is such an easy emotion. And there's so many things to do and there's so much beauty to see. So why not open your eyes a little bit.
- Grace Helbig

Scorpio: If you're nit good at it and don't succeed, then stop it
- Miranda Sings

Sagittarius: if you have a dream or if you have a passion, don't stop, go for it
- Marcus Butler

Capricorn: don't give into peer pressure because you willed up taking drugs and you will die
- Jim Chapman

Aquarius: Don't feel like you have to follow someone else's recipe
- Ingrid Nilsen

Pisces: Respect the people in your life that give you good advice
- Will Darbyshire

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