The Signs Reactions When Not Invited Somewhere

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Aries: oh yeah I actually can't come I have that other thing to do today...

Taurus: *acts like they don't care*
But then holds a grudge against the individual who didn't invite them.

Gemini: *tries to find out why they weren't invited*

Cancer: *pretends that they don't know and acts completely ignorant to the situation*

Leo: "what do you mean I wasn't invited?!"

Virgo: "wait what?? Do they not like me, did they forget about me, did I do something working?, etc, etc?"

Libra: "Oh they probably just forgot...yeah that's it, forgot."

Scorpio: "Psh I knew those a**holes wouldn't invite me."

Sagittarius: "Their loss!"

Capricorn: "Um...awkward"

Aquarius: "Yeah they are pretty stupid anyways."

Pisces: "that's messed up!" *never talks to them again*

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