Riker Imagine *insecure about small boobs*

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My boyfriend and I were on a date when it all first happened. We were having a great time hanging out on the beach. Riker had just finished surfing while I had safely watched him from the nice, warm, and still sand. I've tried to surf before, but wasn't very good at it, and I also had a bit of a scare when I was thrown off my board from a massive wave. Now I just support my boyfriend from the shore.

We were stretched out on two beach towels, Riker showing off his muscular chest and abs while I sported a bikini, which worked pretty well with my petite body. But then three girls came up to us, interrupting our conversation.

"Oh, my God! You're Riker Lynch, from R5!" one of them exclaimed, causing Riker to stand up which then led to the three girls eagerly hugging them. Some of the time I don't mind the fans being like this with my somewhat famous boyfriend, but other times it really bugs me. This was one of those times when the three girls, who looked no older than sixteen, smooshed their practically naked bodies against Riker. I remained on my towel and tried to not look too pissed off.

It was one thing for me to be wearing an itty-bitty bikini top because I had barely anything to cover, but these girls had quite a lot more than me on top that it was practically spilling out of the material. Riker, being the nice guy that he is, took individual pictures with the girls and signed autographs. I kept my eyes focused on the rest of the people on the beach only to find that another group of girls had spotted Riker as well.

I sighed loudly once they got closer to us after seeing that they were probably about mine and Riker's age and, just as I should have expected, they had big boobs wrapped in their bikini tops. I've always been aware of my 32A boobs and the fact that they are smaller than most. I've had times in my life where I've been insecure over them but then I watch one of those BuzzFeed videos about the perks of having small boobs and feel better about myself. However, ever since I started dating Riker a few months ago I have become much more aware and insecure over my smaller-than-average breasts.

I lay back on my towel and close my eyes, deciding that was the best way to avoid having to see all of the girls with my boyfriend. Finally it became relatively quieter and I heard Riker sit back down next to me.

"Having fun?" I scoffed, trying to not sound angry but I can tell it didn't work.

"Is everything ok?" he questioned, immediately picking up my change in mood.

I try my best to just brush it off, blaming it on being in the hot sun for too long. Riker suggested heading back to his house and getting something to eat on the way.

"Yes, but only if that something involves ice cream or a smoothie or something," I said while Riker and I began to fold up our towels.

"I know of just the place!" he said.

On the way we stop at a Chik-fil-A and go through the drive thru, ordering sandwiches, fries and milkshakes. I tried to steal a fry from the bag while Riker drove the rest of the way back to his house but he caught me.

"If you steal a fry, I'll drink your milkshake!" he threatened, which immediately caused me to pull my hand back out of the bag. Back at Riker's place we enjoyed our food while watching a movie, relaxing in the cool atmosphere that the air conditioner created.

As much as I tried to push it from my mind, what happened at the beach kept bugging me. I know I shouldn't feel insecure about something like having smaller breasts but I do! These days, the media always portrays girls with these large boobs in magazines, TV shows, movies and of course it's all over social media as well.

Later that night I decided to start searching online until I come across those makeup tutorials about contouring your chest to make it look bigger. I decided to give it a try since I've never even had something that could be defined as cleavage. I followed all of the steps the girl (who definitely didn't need to contour her breasts) discussed but it still looked bad and very fake. The thought of a boob job crosses my mind but I decided against it, at least for now, mostly because that would cost me a lot of money!

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