R5 Imagine *Rydel gets in car accident*

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The boys were all waiting in their garage, ready for their rehearsal to start for the Europe tour but with Rydel missing it was kind of difficult to have a full, real rehearsal. Riker taps his foot impatiently while looking at the time on his phone yet again.

"You sure she didn't say anything to you?" he asks Ellington again, his tone slightly annoyed.

"Dude I'm sure! She said she was going out to run a few errands and would be back in time. She probably just ran into someone or something like that. You know how it is," Ell shrugs.

"She could at least have let us know," Riker complains, acting like the leader he is.

"Come on, let's just start without her," Rocky says, swinging the strap of his guitar over his head and letting the instrument hang in front of his lower abdomen.

"Ok," Riker says, grabbing his bass and frustratingly sighs as he notices that his sister is now 30 minutes late to rehearsal.

The boys run over a couple of their songs, trying their best to ignore the void of the missing keyboard and harmonizing lyrics Rydel usually provides. As the time changes and Rydel becomes an hour late the band starts to get a bit worried.

"Thirty minutes is one thing but an hour?" Ross asks. "She definitely would've told us if she was going to be this late."

"Something's up. Something's wrong," Riker says, not wanting to think the worst but hundreds of ideas start jumping through his mind concerning his only sister.

"I'm still getting nothing," Ellington explains after trying Rydel's cell for the third time.

Riker grabs his phone out of his pocket again. "I'm calling –".

"Mom?" Ross says, cutting off his brother as their mother walks through the garage door. Immediately the boys are able to pick up on her pale complexion and her distraught face. "Mom, what's happened? What's wrong?" Ross asks as the boys all rush and crowd the shaking woman.

"It's – it's Rydel. She's been in an – an accident," Stormie says, trying to control her voice and not break down crying in front of the boys. It takes a moment as everyone stands in shock until it can sink in and then the room explodes into chaos as the boys quickly shut all of their equipment off while throwing questions at Stormie.

"What accident?"

"Where was it?"

"Is she ok?"

"What happened?"

Stormie just keeps quiet, knowing that her responses would only distract the boys and there was no time to waste. She hastily rushes everyone into the van waiting in the driveway and swings out onto the street as they speed to the hospital.

"I don't know much more than you do!" she starts speaking, her knuckles turning white as she grips the steering wheel. "We had gotten a call and your father and Ryland went straight to the hospital and I came to get you boys."

The rest of the car ride is silent as everyone stares out the window and their minds start to dangerously wonder. Ellington bites the inside of his cheek, trying to keep himself from crying. He knows no one would care if he did but he still wanted to remain strong – needed to stay strong – for his girlfriend.

As they near the hospital Riker tries calling Ryland to see if he can find anything out or at least for them to know where to go when they got there. His brother picks up on the second ring.

"Hello?" he answers the phone.

"Ry! What's going on? Where are you guys?" Riker asks anxiously.

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