Ross Imagine - Rose *protective*

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I had just finished tying up the laces on my teal Converse when the doorbell rang.  "Come in!" I shout from the couch in the family room where I sat waiting for my boyfriend to show up.  

"Hey, babe," Ross says, walking through the front door and kissing me lightly as I stand up to greet him.  "You look great," he comments, looking me up and down.  

"Really?  It's not too casual or anything?" I question.  

"No, it's perfect," he grabs my hand and I shove my phone in my back pocket while Ross leads me outside to his waiting car.  Today one of Ross's close friends, Alan, was turning 21 and was having a big, blow-out birthday party to celebrate.  

The short drive takes us to a huge house right along the coast with a set of stairs that lead down to the beach.  After finally finding a parking spot on the street, Ross and I walk up to the house and through an expensive-looking glass door.  

"This place is amazing," I gasp, looking up at the crystal chandelier dangling down from the ceiling in the foyer.  

"Thanks, it's a present from my parents, although I think I may have to change a few things," a voice says from behind me.  

"Alan, happy birthday man!" Ross says to the tall stranger and they do one of those handshake-hug type things guys do these days.  

"Thanks!  And you must be Rose," he says, his deep blue eyes turning towards me.  

"That would be me!" I announce, trying to hide the fact that I was totally checking out Alan in front of my boyfriend.  He was a couple inches taller than Ross and his black hair flopped across his forehead.  Alan certainly was an amazing-looking guy.  Hey, I can still look, as long as I don't touch, I think to myself, as sort of a reassurance.  

"Very nice to meet you, and I would love to stay and talk to you guys but, duty calls," he says and turns toward the front door that had just let in a rather large group of people.  

Ross and I head outside to the large patio that had an infinity pool that was overflowing with people.  

"Alan sure does know a lot of people," I remark as two more bikini-clad girls jump into the pool.  

"He likes to think he does," Ross says to me, having to speak up a bit over the noise of the DJ playing his set off to the side.  "A lot of these people are either acquaintances or friends of friends.  Besides me there are probably about five or six people here that Alan actually knows well enough to call a friend."

I just nod in response as the bass gets deeper and the music becomes louder.  Ross gestures to the mini bar near the pool, signaling that he was going to go get us something.  I nod again and just stay where I am, knowing that it is the best way for him to be able to find me again.  

It surprisingly doesn't take long for Ross to find his way back to me.  He hands me a glass of bubbling clear liquid with a few ice cubes floating on the top.  "It's just Sprite," he says, after I give him a wary look.  My family has somewhat of a history of alcohol abuse so I have vowed to just stay away from that, no matter how old I am.  

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