Riker Imagine - Becca *R5 comes to Australia*

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I sit impatiently on the edge of my bed, my foot rapidly tapping the ground as I keep refreshing the page on my laptop. Today is the day that my favorite band will be announcing their world tour dates and I am praying that my country is listed. I so desperately want to go to bed but I refuse to fall asleep until I see Sydney pop up on their website.

Damn time difference, I think to myself as I glance at my clock which changes to 2:04 in the morning as I am looking at it. Now they're four minutes late. I sigh dramatically and hit the reload button once more and this time it takes longer to refresh. Crossing my fingers and holding my breath, I wait until I see the page start to load. Finally the dates have been posted.

Scrolling down the page my heart stops as I see Sydney, Australia listed. Knowing that everyone else in the house was asleep I grab my pillow and scream into it as loudly as I can. I absolutely cannot believe it! After all this time, my hard work finally paid off in getting R5 to come back to Sydney. Closing my laptop I lay down in bad, the biggest smile across my face as I begin to dream of the many possibilities of when I will be seeing them again in a few months.


A couple of months later I toss and turn in bed, anxious for what tomorrow might bring as the day has finally come that I will be seeing R5 perform again. I have been planning for this since the moment I found out they were coming to Sydney. I spent hours scouring the local stores for the perfect outfit to wear and my best friend and I have been carefully mapping out our day in hopes that we may actually meet R5 before the concert starts. My friend Jessica was convinced it wouldn't happen but we still purchased meet and greet tickets so either way I will be meeting my idols. I sigh as I toss again in bed, willing my eyes to stay shut and for my brain to stop thinking. I want to at least try my best to not look like a zombie tomorrow due to lack of sleep.

I must have eventually dozed off because the next thing I know my alarm is going off, waking me up. I have no trouble forcing myself out of bed as I play R5's latest album while getting dressed. Shortly after Jessica had arrived we were on our way to downtown Sydney. We had decided to spend the day wandering around before going to the venue well in advance in order to make sure we got front row spots. I keep my eyes peeled as we walked the streets, hoping to spot a familiar blond head but unfortunately we had no luck. Eventually we go to the venue and I am shocked to find twelve people already in line ahead of us, especially considering we still have five hours until the show starts. Either way, we were still close enough to the front that we would get close enough spots.

Jessica and I quickly become fast friends with the girls in front and behind us in line. It turns out that most of these fans are actually pretty new members to the R5 family, having found out about the band no more than a year ago. I try not to brag about my three years of knowledge of the band but it seems that we all silently confirm that I am one of their biggest fans in Australia.

Finally the doors open and people who had purchased meet and greet are allowed inside. I try to hide my shaking hands by clenching them in fists at my sides but it seems to only make my nervousness that much more obvious.

As we inch up closer to the front of the line my heart hammers faster and faster in my chest. When it becomes our turn I will myself to stop shaking and hope I'll actually be able to get at least one audible word out.

"Hi," I say quietly as I walk up to Rydel and Ellington who give me a group hug. Going down the line I hug the rest of the band members, only being able to muster a simple greeting to each of them. After hugging Riker at the end of the line I turn so that we can pose for the pictures. I feel so tiny standing between Rocky and Riker being practically a foot shorter than both of them but I don't care as I grin at the camera.

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