Riker Imagine - Amelia *insecure*

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I grope around with my limp hand and eyes still squeezed shut as I try to find my phone in order to turn my alarm off.  I finally grab it off my bedside table and the insistent ringing quiets.  About a week ago my boyfriend and I decided to go on a little weekend trip to Monterey Bay which is about a five hour drive from our homes in Los Angeles.  In order to actually make the most of the trip and the time we’ll be spending travelling, Riker insisted that we hit the road early this Friday morning.  

I reluctantly open my eyes and put my glasses on, sitting up and stretching my cramped limbs.  Riker was going to be here in twenty minutes to pick me up and I am just not a morning person; 6:00am still counts as nighttime in my mind!

I force myself to roll out of bed and turn on my music, hoping that some upbeat songs will wake me up a bit and help get me moving.  I get dressed and throw a few more things in the bag that I had packed last night.  Pouring myself a cup of coffee I surprisingly have a few minutes to spare before Riker gets here.  

Sitting at the kitchen table my hands itch to grab my phone resting next to me but I try to convince myself to just forget about it.  I even turn the opposite direction and look out the window but I eventually find myself opening twitter.  I know I shouldn’t be doing this, especially with my boyfriend planning on being here so soon but I need to know what they’re saying!  

Just as I’m about to click on the notification tab there’s a knock at my door.  Saved by the bell, the little voice in the back of my head whispers.  Riker’s waiting on the other side of the door, all smiles as this is our first weekend away together.  

“Ready to go, Amelia?” he asks.  

“I’ve been ready!” I stifle a yawn as I grab my bag and follow my boyfriend out to his car.  Climbing into the passenger seat, I make myself comfortable for the nice, long five hour drive we have ahead of us.  Riker doesn’t say anything as I lean my head against the window and doze off before we even get on the highway.  


Hours later I wake up, finding that we are almost to our destination.  

“Someone must have been tired,” Riker teases.

“Of course I was tired!  Who gets up that early?” I laugh, stretching like a lazy cat.  

A short while later we check in to our hotel room and I marvel at the view of the beach we get from our seventh story room.  

“I’m so freakin’ happy you’re here with me,” Riker says, coming up from behind me and wrapping his arms around me, softly kissing the side of my neck.

I lean back against his hard body.  “Me too,” I whisper.  Riker announces that he’s going to take a quick shower and then after we could take a walk along the shore.  As soon as the bathroom door closes, I pounce and grab my phone, opening twitter.  I try to scold and stop myself from looking but there is just something inside of me that needs to know what is going on.  No matter what I do, no matter how much it hurts me, I’m always drawn to see what the fans have to say about me dating Riker.  Maybe a part of me hopes that one day I’ll log on to find all the hate gone and that everyone has come to appreciate and respect Riker and I, but I know that will never actually happen.  Which just makes it even more boggling as to why I keep checking my notifications.  

Closing the glass door behind me, I step out onto our mini balcony.  Just as expected, everyone is complaining about me dating Riker, shipping him with other people.  The biggest is between Riker and Leanne; a family friend of the Lynch’s from Colorado who recently moved to California.  She has been seen hanging with the Lynch’s a lot lately and is a very sweet girl, but is completely unaware of what the R5 family has to say about her.   

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