Rocky Imagine *insecure*

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I grabbed on tight, wrapping my arms securely around Rocky's waist as he started up the jet ski again and we whizzed across the ocean.  Rocky kept driving towards the horizon, crashing into each wave heading right towards us.  At each break, the jet ski would leap into the air and spray our faces with salty water.  

I watch as Rocky gets closer and closer to a wave much larger than the rest.  My eyes open wide and I yell in his ear to look out.  When he doesn't make a move to turn the jet ski around I press my face into his shoulder, hiding behind my boyfriend's hard back to protect me from the ton of water headed our direction.  At the last possible second, Rocky jerks the jet ski to the left and I hang on even tighter to not fly off.  

Slightly opening my eyes, I peek around his shoulder and notice that we are now riding along the wave, keeping it on our right the entire time as we try to get past it before it can crash onto us.  It doesn't take long before part of the wave dissipates and the water becomes calmer.  Slowing down, Rocky turns the jet ski back around and we watch a few stray surfers try to catch the large wave we just escaped.  

As the setting sun dips closer towards the water we decide it was time to head back into shore.  Rocky offers for me to drive but I decide against it, still not completely confident in my skills seeing as I have only driven a jet ski once before.  

After pulling up to the beach, Rocky hops off the jet ski to go get the car with the trailer hitched on the back.  We were at a specific part of the beach where we were allowed to drive cars on it if needed to transport things into and out of the water.  As Rocky backs the trailer into the shallow parts of the ocean, I remember what he instructed me to do as I slowly drive the jet ski onto the trailer.  As Rocky hooks everything into place I take off my life preserver and grab a towel out of the back seat of the car, kissing my boyfriend quickly before telling him I'll meet him on the beach.  

Settling onto a little spot in the sand, I wrap myself in the towel, partially because I was cold from all of that ocean water and partially because of the scrawny girls in bikinis I saw walking my way.  It's not that I don't love my body the way it is, it's just that it doesn't fit the slim and sexy ones described in all of the magazines and it certainly pales in comparisons to all of these singers and actresses and models here in Los Angeles.   

Without even turning around I know that Rocky is approaching me because all of a sudden the girls that were walking on the beach turn their heads and focus on something behind me.  I roll my eyes as I watch some of them flirtatiously wave at the tall guy behind me.  Half of me expects one of them to walk up to Rocky and start talking to him but luckily they kept going.  

"That was so much fun!" Rocky says, sitting down next to me in his dripping swim trunks.  

"Yeah, except for the part where you tried to have us go flying off the jet ski!" I exclaim, thinking of that large wave.  

"We were not going to fly off.  I knew what I was doing!"

"Uh huh...sure you did," I respond sarcastically with a smile.  

"Are you cold?" Rocky asks, noticing how my towel is still wrapped tightly around my shoulders, hiding my arms and part of my thighs.  

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