Riker Imagine - Jennifer

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Adding the finishing touches to my outfit I race out the door and hop into my friend's waiting car parked in my driveway.

"It's about time!" Lindsay says as I slam the passenger car door shut before she whips out into the street.

"You know me! I have to look my absolute best. Especially when I'm about to meet my future boyfriend for the first time," I flashed a smile at Lindsay.

"Uh huh," my best friend says, rolling her eyes at me.

"I'm serious! You never know what could happen especially now that Riker is single," I say, picturing my favorite member of my favorite band.

"It should be an interesting night, Jennifer. That's all I'm going to give you at this point." Lindsay is just as big of a fan as I am of R5 but she's a bit more logical. While many of us picture our favorite falling madly in love with us, she's just in it for the music and thinks that our dreams are beyond impossible to reach.

It doesn't take long before we pull up to the venue and get in line with the rest of the eager fans. Finally we're allowed inside and Lindsay and I race through the venue, trying to get as close to the stage as possible. Since we had arrived early enough there weren't too many people in front of us in line which allowed me to be in about the third row of the audience, in front of Riker of course.

The opening act came out, followed by Ryland who really got the crowd going. "I never realized he was so talented!" Lindsay screams in my ear to be heard over the music. I try not to smirk as I watch her practically drool over the tall boy jumping up and down behind his DJ table.

Before long his set is over and the room becomes eerily dark but then the screaming of the hundreds of fans begins to slowly grow as we all shout with anticipation. Fog begins to seep onto the stage from hidden machines and a few lights come on. I can just make out the shape of people walking around on stage getting into position but I keep my eyes focused directly ahead as I wait for Riker to stand behind his microphone. I see the faintest outline of his long, lean body up on stage before Ratliff starts to get the beat going on the drums, being quickly joined in with Riker's baseline. The lights flash on and the real show begins. I join in with everyone else and scream at the top of my lungs as I finally see the love of my life standing right in front of me.

Lindsay and I dance and sing along to every lyric as the music courses through our bodies. About halfway through the show the first notes of the next song play and Lindsay and I look at each other and shriek louder than most of the people around us. They were finally performing our favorite R5 song! I look back up at the stage to see Riker looking right at me. I sheepishly smile at him at he smiles back before bringing his attention to Ross who is now walking towards his brother's microphone stand.

I look over at Lindsay again and she just nods her head, as if she knew I was about to ask if that actually, really happened or not. The rest of the show I try not to read too much into Riker whenever he looked over in my direction. I could swear each time he was looking right into my eyes but a small voice at the back of my head made me continue to doubt myself.

The show comes to an end much sooner than I would've hoped. We all watch as Riker does his routine of wiping his sweaty body with a small towel. I prepare myself to catch it as he raises the towel above his head, ready to throw it at some lucky fan. Once again, he seems to look right at me before chucking it into the crowd. I stretch out my arms but nothing comes falling into them. I look over at my best friend disappointed only to find the navy blue towel in her hands instead.

"His aim was so close to being perfect!" Lindsay says as she hands the wet towel to me. I look back up at Riker to find him watching us before he follows the rest of his bandmates off the stage.

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