Ross Imagine - Delaney *on vacation*

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"Delaney, are you ready to go?" my boyfriend shouts up the stairs.

"Almost!" I yell back as I shove just a few more things into my suitcase. Sitting on top of it I'm able to zipper it closed. It's overflowing just a little bit but one never knows what they might need while in Hawaii. Sure, it might be warm during the day, but what if it gets chilly at night? Or what if you need dressy clothes during the day or maybe for only night? There are so many different possibilities that one needs to think of when packing for their first vacation away with their boyfriend.

Grabbing a hold of the handle of the suitcase I lug it down the stairs, letting it bump down each step until I reach the bottom where Ross is waiting for me.

"You do know we're only going for a week, right?" he says, looking at the large luggage behind me.

"I know," I say, wrapping my arms around his neck as his encircle my waist. "But there's always the possibility I could convince you to stay in Hawaii forever so I need to be prepared for that."

"I wish that could happen. You. Me. And nothing but paradise," Ross says, kissing me quickly in between each sentence.

A car honks outside, signaling that Ross's older brother is here to take us to the airport.

"You sure you have everything?" Ross asks after we pile our suitcases in the trunk of Rocky's car.

"Yes, I'm positive! Do you have everything?" I ask.

"Everything I need is already in my arms," Ross says, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"If you lovebirds are all done, your taxi service is ready to leave," Rocky says. I stick my tongue out at him but his back is turned so he doesn't notice. Ross and I climb into the car and off we go to the airport.


Finally, hours later, the wheels touch down in Hawaii. I eagerly look out the plane window as we slow down on the runway. As of right now from what I can see it doesn't look any different from Los Angeles but Ross promises me that it will get better once we get to the ocean.

Slowly we all file off the plane and Ross and I head over to claim our luggage before hoping in a cab which takes us to our hotel. I practically press my face up against the window like a five year old as I take in all of the sights while we drive alone the coast of the island. The hotel Ross had booked for us was one he's stayed in before with his family and he claimed that I would love it.

We pull up to a large, tan-colored resort that is right on the beach. Stepping out of the cab I feel as if I've been transported into a movie.

"Aloha," a young girl greets me, draping a pink and white lei over my neck. "Welcome to Hawaii," she says, placing a lei over my boyfriend's head as well.

"Thank you!" I exclaim. I turn around to grab my suitcase out of the taxi's trunk only to find they were already on a cart and being wheeled inside by someone who works at the resort. Ross and I follow our bags into the lobby. While he goes up to the front desk to check us in I wander around the lobby. The resort was tropically themed in both the wall art and furniture strategically placed all around the spacious entryway.

"We're on the twelfth floor," Ross says, coming up behind me and leading me to the nearest elevator. After entering it, I notice that there are only twelve floors in the resort, meaning we are at the highest possible point.

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