Chapter Sixty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"But you could get killed doing that." My tone was questioning, not believing how someone could risk their life for someone else.

Jameson nodded, "Of course." He replied instantly, as if it was second nature. My eyes widened and I wondered to what extent this would go to.

"If you could've gotten there soon enough, would you have taken the bullet? Would you have jumped in the way?" I asked hesitantly, the mention of the subject turning my mood dour.

"Sky, that is barely questionable," I raised my eyebrows at Jameson who rolled his eyes in response, "Of course I would've." Jameson reiterated. I must've looked shocked, or unconvinced, as Jameson sighed.

"Think about it like this:" Jameson paused for thought and I waited, "Someone shoots at Avery who is beside you, what do you do?" Jameson asked and I considered his very impossible situation.

"I'd push her out of the way." I told him, watching as his lips twitched upwards at my response.

"And what if, by doing that, you got shot?" Jameson asked next.

I paused, trying to gather my thoughts, the story that Jameson is creating is really messing with my head. "Then I'd get shot." The answer came out more adamant than I'd wanted, and even Jameson appeared to be taken aback by my tone.

Then, eventually, he nodded, signalling that my response was the ultimate conclusion to his story. But it didn't even relate at all, it didn't explain why Jameson would do what I thought I would.

"That still doesn't make sense," I repeated my thoughts aloud and Jameson rose his eyebrow in question, "Because Avery's my friend; I care about her." I spoke before realising what that meant. Then the room went awfully quiet as the realisation of what I should've already picked up on hit me. Jameson cares about me, enough to risk his life. And here's me thinking he was only doing it because it was his job, secretly thinking he gets paid for every attack we dodge.

But what if his protection over me isn't just because he 'has to'? What if it's actually because he cares?

"I know it's hard to explain," Jameson took a step closer, and soon we were barely inches apart, close enough to count each others eyelashes.

"You already expressed your feelings, Jameson. It's not the explaining, it's you." Okay so that was a little harsh, but it was the truth. When Jameson and I had kissed, Jameson had shut himself off, and I immediately felt as if he hated me; like me believing anything could stem from the kiss was just me being pathetic.

Jameson gave me an apologetic look, "After what happened with Bert," Jameson cleared his throat, looking as if he was feeling despair for a moment, "I swore I'd never let my emotions get in the way again–"

I broke him off, "Your emotions weren't the problem." My tone was questioning, wondering what Jameson was getting at. Jameson swallowed, reaching up, his fingers hesitantly and delicately tucking a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

"Yes they were, although they can be an advantage, say, for example, I won't put anyone's life above yours. However, I've been–" Jameson narrowed his eyes in thought, "Different ever since, like I anticipated too much, I'd overthink too much, that if anything were to happen, I would be weak and my emotions would hit me. I'd mess up, Sky." His voice was pained and I frowned.

"You couldn't do anything about Bert." I told him, which was true—Bert's death was self-inflicted, Jameson could do nothing about it.

Jameson shook his head, his fingers lingering on my cheek as he frowned. "No, but when you were locked in your room, being attacked, that's when I felt it. It was like it all came back, I was slow. I hesitated. I played back the memories in my mind: I watched as I shouted at Bert, trying to get him to unlock the door. That nearly got you killed. And it was my fault." Jameson's confession made my heart break, and I found myself putting a hand on his arm.

"To be honest, I ran to your door first, I could've easily ran to the room's exit." I smiled and watched as Jameson's lips twitched again in response.

"Why?" Jameson's stress was fading, though the hysteria was now showing behind his hypnotic sapphire eyes as he asked his question.

I shrugged, "I wasn't really thinking, I guess my first instinct was to find you, because you are my guardian after all." I explained and Jameson nodded. "Though, I think part of me feared that, if I was about to face an attack, and you weren't there to protect me, that something had happened to you," I paused, letting that sink in.

"Jameson, I think we both let our emotions get in the way." Was the last thing that got past my lips before nothing else could; Jameson's lips were on mine.




(please don't literally hit anyone)




why am I still shouting

This chapter was too much I'm about to combust

I explode

-Human who exploded

Next update: Sunday–Wednesday

CHAPTER SIXTY-NINE SPOILER (diiirttyyyy peopleeee—including me):

Where does the kiss lead?

Does Sky refuse it?

Or do Jameson's lips get the better of her?

Is Carter's and Sky's relationship affected by this?

Or is it the hearts best kept secret?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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(For all the Skyson shippers)

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(For all the Skyson shippers)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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