Back to America

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~Katy’s view on what happened the rest of the week~

We couldn’t find anything else out.None of my old friends had heard anything.

By the end of the week I was furious at my parents for leaving without saying anything. I decided to give up. If they wanted to be with me they knew where to find me. I wasn’t about to spend my whole life searching for people who left on their own.

~At the airport~

~Third person view~

Katy stepped onto the plane, grateful that she hadn’t gotten stuck sitting next to Aaron and his motion sickness.

She was with Alex this time, which was fine. She had accepted him as her brother so there was no awkwardness between them. As the plane took off she rested her head on Alex’s shoulder.

Alex continued to read his magazine. Having become used to her closeness as a sister over the past two weeks, it didn’t really faze him anymore.

Jake was not having the best time. Aaron had turned green upon entering the plane and had thrown up twice before they even took flight.


As they pulled up to Alex’s house they all stepped out, having already dropped Aaron off at his house. They all walked inside.

Alex’s dad sat on the couch, he looked up when they walked in.

“You’re home,” he stood and walked over to them. Katy took a slight step behind Jake.

“I’m Andrew,” he said as he held out his hand to Katy.

Alex stepped between his father and Katy protectively. “You’ve got a lot of nerve,” He said coldly.

Andrew sighed. “I just want to be her friend.”


Andrew winced. “I didn’t want to give you up.”

“Then why did you?” Katy asked angrily.

“I had no choice,” Andrew said

“You always have a choice,” Katy said softly, before brushing past him and going upstairs to her room.

Alex glared at his dad.

Jake felt so awkward so he slipped upstairs to check on Katy. He softly knocked on her door but didn’t wait for a response before stepping inside. “You ok?” he asked as he sat down beside her on the bed.

Katy laid with her face in a pillow. “No,” came a muffled reply.

Jake sighed. “Would you at least turn over and look at me?”


Jake began tickling her sides and Katy couldn’t help but laugh and wiggle. “Okay, okay,” she squealed.

Jake didn’t stop tickling her until she was out of breath and laying on her back. “That’s better,” he smiled.

Katy sighed as she looked up at him. “What if my parents don’t come back?” she asked quietly.

“Then you’ll have Aaron, Alex, and I to stay with you,” Jake smiled softly as he brushed some hair off of her forehead. “You won’t be alone.”

“Just because I’m not alone doesn’t mean I won’t get lonely,” Katy said as tears sprung to her eyes. “I’ll still miss them.”

“I know,” Jake said simply. “Why don’t you get some rest? We still have a week until school starts and we still have that homework assignment to do.”

“Ok,” Katy said as she closed her eyes.

Before Jake left he gently kissed her on the cheek and smiled. “I love you,” he whispered and shut the door behind him.

~”How could you leave her like that?” Alex practically yelled at his dad.

“I couldn’t take care of you both,” Andrew said softly. “Not after your mom died. It was either you or her.”

“You should have chosen to keep her,” Alex glared at his father. “You never spend time with me anyway.”

“Son,” Andrew began but was immediately cut off.

“NO,” Alex yelled. “I don’t care what you have to say anymore. You could have at least told her about it instead of her having to find out the way she did. If you know anything about her parents, so help me you had better spit it out now.”

Andrew’s expression softened. “Don’t you think if I knew anything I would have already told her?”

“I don’t know,” Alex said sharply. “You knew about her being my sister, but you didn’t say anything. There’s no telling what information you’ll keep to yourself now.”

“I don’t know anything,” Andrew winced as Alex’s words cut like a knife.

“Honestly,” Alex walked toward the stairs. “I don’t believe you,” he said before running up the stairs, leaving Andrew alone in the front hall.

The Life of Katy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now