Connecting the dots

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Katy walked into her first class. Alex and Jake were already there. Alex had a sour look on his face and Jake was surrounded by girls….again. It was really starting to bug Katy.

Katy started to sift through the crowd of girls in an attempt to get to her desk. No such luck. She couldn’t even get through the first wave of girls.

“Everybody move,” Aaron said as he walked up behind Katy. All the girls immediately stopped and stepped aside, all the girls that is, except Katy who was too surprised to move.

“Are you gonna go to your desk or just stand there and look stupid?” Aaron asked as he raised an eyebrow and gently pushed her towards her desk.

Katy blushed. “Th-thanks..” She stammered before rushing to her desk.

Aaron walked over to his desk as the girls began to whisper. “What’s he see in her?” “I’ve never seen him help anyone before, do you think he likes her?”

As the whispers continued Aaron got more and more angry until he stood up abruptly. “Can’t you guys learn to mind your own business? Who I like is no business of yours. So. Shut. Up. Now.” Aaron yelled before sitting down.

Everyone had frozen in shock and Katy’s face was now the color of cherry as she hid her face in her arms.

After the teacher regained his wit Mr. Endo cleared his throat and tapped the board. “Alright, everyone take your seats so class can begin.”

~Art Class~

Katy walked into art class and immediately turned red again as her eyes immediately found Aaron. She slowly walked over to her seat and set up her sketchpad.

“Hey Katy,” Aaron said as he began to sketch.

“H-Hey,” Katy squeaked.

Aaron looked at her with concern then quickly stood up and grabbed her wrist before dragging her out of the classroom and down the hallway.

“Hey,” Katy asked in surprise. “What are you doing?”

Aaron didn’t answer her as he pulled her out of the school building and down the front steps.

“Aaron,” Katy yelled. “This is kidnapping and ditching.”

Aaron didn’t speak until they came to a river. “What happened?”

“Well, for starters you just kidnapped me,” Katy said angrily.

“Hey. I don’t like that tone,”  Aaron said as he looked at her.

“What do you mean you don’t like my tone?” Katy shouted. “You just dragged me out of school in the middle of a class. What kind of tone were you expecting me to have?”

“I don’t like it when you speak to me in that tone,” Aaron said before slapping his hand over his mouth.

Katy’s eyes widened. “Y-You? What? It can’t be. You…”

Aaron sighed, there was no point in hiding it anymore, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try to hide it. He quickly dragged her into the river.

“Hey,” Katy shouted in surprise. “First you kidnap me and now you’re getting me all wet?” Katy couldn’t help but laugh as he splashed her with water.

As she splashed him back Aaron actually smiled. Katy immediately froze and turned red.

“What’s wrong?” Aaron asked as he let out a laugh.

“You’re smiling AND laughing?” Katy asked in surprise.

Aaron turned a light shade of red, to be caught smiling and laughing was just embarrassing. He hadn’t smiled since before his little sister died three years ago, but it felt nice to smile again.

Katy gasped playfully. “Now you’re blushing,” Katy stepped out of the river and sat down on the bank. “Now I’m cold.” She sighed.

Aaron watched her for a moment before walking over and sitting down beside her. “I’m sorry. I should’ve just told you it was me.”

It took Katy a moment to realize what he was talking about. Then she slowly nodded. “Why didn’t you just tell me you could turn into a cat?”

Aaron hesitated. “I was scared you would think I was a freak or something. I didn’t want you to dislike me or anything,” he sighed.

Katy looked over at him with a serious expression. “Aaron, I like you the way you are.”

Aaron looked at her in surprise. “Really?” He looked down at his hands. “D-Did you ever look at that drawing I gave you?”

Katy slapped her hand to her forehead. “I’m sorry. I totally forgot about it.”

“It’s okay,” Aaron chuckled nervously. “This way I have a chance to explain things before you see it.”

Katy laid back in the grass and looked at Aaron, listening intently.

Aaron scratched his head. Not quite sure where to start. So he decided to start from the beginning. “When I was in third grade, I lived in Tokyo too. We were in the same class. But, my parents got transferred here so we moved. I was a crybaby back then and you would always come to my rescue. I don’t think you remember me though. I looked a lot different,” Aaron sighed. “I admired you for being so strong and brave. I promised myself that I would become strong and brave too then I would tell you how I felt about you.”

Katy looked at him. “I don’t remember very many kids from my third grade class, sorry.”

Aaron looked a bit disappointed. “I didn’t think you would.”

“You said something about telling me how you felt about me?” Katy sat up.

Aaron started to turn red. “I don’t think it matters since you don’t remember me.”

“It does matter,” Katy said as she tugged gently on his sleeve. “Feelings matter.”

Aaron looked at her, his face a light red as he leaned in and gently kissed her.

Katy was so surprised that her entire face turned bright red.

Aaron slowly pulled away. “Now do you understand?”

Katy was so red that she looked down at her knees. “I...I...I…” She stammered, unable to think complete thoughts or speak proper sentences.

Aaron chuckled. “I’ll let you think about it,” He stood and held his hand out to help Katy up.

Katy slowly took his hand and stood up.

“Guess I’ll have to find somewhere else to stay,” Aaron smiled softly.

“Why?” Katy asked a little too quickly, her face began turning red again.

Aaron smiled softly. “Now that you know about my secret you won’t want me in your room at night, I mean you won’t let Jake sleep in your room and he turns into a stuffed animal.”

“How’d you know about Jake?” Katy asked in surprise.

“We can sense each other’s magical abilities, that’s why he glared at me when you brought me home,” Aaron sighed. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said as he turned to walk across the bridge that was built above the river.

Katy grabbed his arm without thinking. “Don’t leave.”

Aaron turned bright red as he came to a halt, “But, Katy-”

Katy quickly interrupted him. “Alex doesn’t have to know about your secret and I can keep Jake from saying anything,” she didn’t know why but she didn’t want him to leave her.

Aaron’s expression softened as he looked at her. “Ok...if you really want me to stay then I will.”

Katy smiled up at him. “Don’t act like you don’t want to stay.”

Aaron shrugged playfully. “I have to keep some of my original attitude if we don’t want people to know somethings going on.”

“Katy!” Alex called as he rushed over to her. “The teachers are looking all over for you.”

Katy looked at him in surprise. “Why?”

“The car crash,” Alex said out of breath. “It wasn’t your parents in the crash.”

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