This isn't a dream

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Jake’s view:

I thought for a moment about what she had said. After a moments silence I leaned in closer to her face, I needed to convince her that I was real.

“There is only one way for me to prove that I am real and that this is not a dream. If you want to continue to think this is a dream then push me away.”

I leaned in even closer to her and when I realized she wasn’t going to push me away I smiled to myself and kissed her on the lips. This was my first kiss and I think it may have been her first too. I felt kind of bad for doing this when we had just met but I didn’t hate myself for it either.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Katy. Breakfast is ready.”

I pulled away just enough for her to speak.

“O-Ok. I’ll be down in a minute.”

I heard footsteps retreat down the hall, and I remembered what I had been doing.

“Still think this is a dream?” I smiled as she turned bright red again and shook her head no.

“Good,” I stood back to let her move “Now, we should get a couple things straight.”

“Ummmm…” Katy stammered as her disbelief turned into anger. “You mean to tell me you can kiss me then go making up conditions expecting me to be OK with all of this?”

I was so shocked I couldn’t even answer her, I hate this but all I could do was look at the floor.

After a moment’s silence Katy finally spoke up. “Don’t you ever come near me again. If you do so help me I will call the police.”

I looked up with a grin. “Well, you see...that’s not possible.”

“What? You don’t think I have the guts?” her anger flared

“Oh, it’s not that at all,” I took a step closer before she stepped back “It’s just...if you call the police and tell them the story about your teddy bear turning into a human boy everyone will think you’re crazy. And the funny part about it all is that I can change into a human boy or back into a teddy bear whenever I please.”

“You’re joking?” Katy questioned in disbelief

“You wanna try it? Or is it that you want me to kiss you again?” I took a step closer to her as she started to blush.

“N-N-No,” she stammered as she stepped farther away from me and ran out the door.

The Life of Katy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now