Returning to school

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~The Next Day~

~Third person view~

Since there was no point in avoiding it, Katy decided to go back to school.There were only a few days until summer vacation anyway.

As Katy rushed down the steps she came to a complete stop when she saw the surprise  that awaited her; both Alex and Jake stood at the front door waiting for her.

“Jake?” Katy looked at him in surprise. “I didn’t think you went to my school…”

“I actually just started there,” Jake winced as Katy’s face started to turn red.

“We better get going or we’re going to be late,” Alex said, clearly annoyed.

Katy slid on her shoes then took both of their arms before dragging them out the door. “Let’s get going then!”

~At School~

Mr. Endo stood at the front of the classroom and tapped the blackboard with his wood pointer for the class’s attention. “Good morning class. Today we have a new transfer student.”

Jake walked in and smiled brightly, “Hi, I’m Jake!” Throughout the room you could hear all the girls sigh happily as they looked at Jake.

One of the guys who sat in front of Katy whispered to his friend. “Wow, two transfer students this year. That’s rare.”

Jake walked back and smiled at the girl who sat next to Katy. “Do you think you could swap me seats?” he asked sweetly.

“O-Of course…” She stammered as she gathered up her stuff and quickly moved to a new desk.

“Thanks!” Jake smiled graciously as he sat down and winked at Katy.

Katy couldn’t help but turn red as she averted her gaze.

Alex grumbled to himself as he looked at Katy’s face. He quickly folded his arms and looked out the window as class began.

As class went on Katy realized that Jake was actually really smart. All through out class Jake was answering all the questions Mr. Endo had. Mr. Endo smiled and nodded with approval.

After class was over, Jake was surrounded by the girls from his class.

Katy grabbed her books and struggled to make her way to the door as she tried to avoid the other girls. When she had almost reached the door, she tripped over someone else’s foot.

Katy felt a strong arm wrap around her waist and pull her back up. “Learn to walk stupid,” an annoyed voice came from behind her.

Katy looked up and there stood a boy wearing all black with black hair and green eyes that could almost be mistaken for yellow.

“S-Sorry…” Katy blushed as she realized his arm was still around her waist. “Th-thank you for helping me..”

“Just shut up and learn to walk properly,” he said angrily but sighed and let go of her. “I’m Aaron.”

Katy smiled brightly as she faced him. “I’m Katy. Nice to meet you!”

Aaron’s face turned a light shade of red as he looked away. “See ya, stupid,” he said before walking out of the classroom.

Katy watched him go before heading out the door to her locker. Alex was there waiting for her with an annoyed expression.

Katy sighed. “What’s the problem?” she unlocked her locker and began rummaging through it to find her sketch book for art.

“Who was that guy you were talking to?” Alex asked quickly.

“His name is Aaron. He helped me when I tripped in the classroom,” Katy found her pencils and looked at Alex. “Why did you want to know?”

The Life of Katy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now