A wake-up call

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~Third person view~

Katy woke up to the ringing of her phone. It was really warm and she couldn’t seem to move. She looked up and just about screamed. “Jake! What are you doing in my bed?” she asked.

Jake snuggled in a little more. “That boy put me here after you fell asleep and it was so cozy I feel asleep.”

Katy wiggled until her arms were loose and pushed him off the bed. She tried to get out of bed but when her foot hit the floor a sharp pain ran up her leg and tears came to her eyes.

Jake got up off the floor and picked her up. “Where do you want to go Princess?”

Katy was a bit surprised but didn’t feel like fighting it. “The balcony. I need my phone too.”

Jake carried her out to the balcony and sat her in one of the chairs. Then he went back in and grabbed her phone. When he got back out on the balcony he handed me the phone and sat down in another chair.

Katy flipped open the phone. “He called seven different times while I was asleep,” Katy huffed “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“It was really cozy,” Jake smiled. “Besides, who cares if he called seven times? It’s not like he’s your boyfriend.”

Katy blushed. “I care. Now he’ll probably be worried,” Katy smirked. “You get to sleep outside tonight, since you were rude, you didn’t wake me up, and you stole my first kiss. All in one day.”

“Yeah,” Jake smirked at her. “And who’s gonna make me? I don’t think it’s going to be you Ms. Limpy. You can’t even stand up without crying.”

“I was not crying,” Katy looked hurt.

Jake went over and sat her up. Then he took her hands and made her stand up. As soon as he let go she let out a gasp of agony as the pain ran up her leg.

“OK. OK,” Katy yelled as he helped her back down. “So I was crying. Why do you care?”

“Oh, I don’t. It just means if I want to kiss you again you can’t run from me.”

“You better not,” Katy shot a piercing glare at him.

~Alex’s View~

I burst into the house out of breath. “Katy?” I called as I rushed up the stairs and burst into the room.

Katy sat on the bed, holding her cellphone and her bear. “Alex?” her eyes widened in surprise.

“Why...didn’t...you...answer...your...phone?” I asked between gasps for breath.

“I-I’m sorry…” She stammered. “I fell asleep and didn’t hear my phone,” She glared at the bear.

As much as I would like to ask why she was glaring at the bear I was too relieved that she was ok to worry about her weird behavior.

I leaned against the door and heaved a sigh of relief, the sigh of relief soon turned into laughter as she looked at me with a confused expression. “You made me worry so much. Can’t you think about my feelings for once?”

Katy’s face turned scarlet as she rushed to apologize. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry. And on top of that school isn’t even out yet.”

~Katy’s view~

Something is definitely wrong with Alex. When we first met he was so outspoken and….rude. But now he’s letting me stay at his house and rushing home to check on me when I don’t answer my cellphone?

When he said he was worried about me I could feel my face burning as it turned red. For some odd reason I felt like I had met him before, and that we had some sort of connection. It was the weirdest feeling and quite honestly I don’t know what to do about it. If I told him he would either laugh or totally flip out, thinking I was crazy.

He would probably have me admitted to the crazy house by the end of the week. I didn’t want that so I kept my mouth shut. He didn’t need to know about that.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” I heard myself ask when I hadn’t been thinking about that at all.

“I don’t know….I guess I feel like I should protect you,” He said as his face started to turn red.

I quickly looked away. Feeling like I was just some little kid he had picked up off the street….or like...like some little sister he felt the need to take care of. “W-Well...I’m ok…”

“Good,” Alex smiled so brightly I could feel it radiating through the room.

I heard Alex open the door. “Are you hungry?” he asked.

“No,” I choked out as I felt tears threatening to come out yet again.

Alex sighed. “Alright,” he said, and after a moment’s silence I hear the door click shut.

I sat there a moment to be sure he wasn’t going to come back, then I curled up on the bed and hugged a pillow, letting all my tears come out freely.

Jake puffed back into a human and I felt his hand stroking my hair as he tried to comfort me.

Why was I even crying over this? It wasn’t as if I had, ya know...feelings for Alex.

I could feel my face turning red at the thought of liking Alex as more then a friend. That wasn’t possible. He was only helping me because he felt like it.

“If your foot hurts that badly I can heal it,” Jake said softly and I quickly hit him with a pillow as I broke out in laughter.

“I’m not crying because of my foot, stupid.” I chuckled and threw a pillow at him.

Jake smiled. “Well, I’m glad you’re smiling again.”

I felt my entire face turn red. “But I will take you up on that offer to heal my foot.”

Jake chuckled as he stood up. “Alright, but it might hurt a bit.”

“What are you going to do?” I asked nervously.

“It’s best you don’t know until I actually do it,” Jake smiled mysteriously as he walked to the middle of the room. A gold ring appeared around him on the floor and his eyes glowed the same bright gold as the ring.

The Life of Katy Jacksonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن