Another accident

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~Katy’s view~

I can’t believe what just happened. A teddy bear. A boy. My first kiss.

As I ran down the hallway I ran straight in to Alex.

*Ugh* I hit the floor hard.

“Oh man,” I heard Alex say in pain as he hit the floor too “I am so sorry. I should have been more careful.”

Alex picked himself off the floor and reached out his hand.

“It’s fine,” I said as I took his hand and he pulled me up. “Ouch” A sharp pain went up my leg as I tried to put pressure on it.

“Oh man. Did you hurt your ankle when you fell?”

“Just a little,” I replied as another bolt of pain shot up my leg. “It will be better after breakfast.”

Before I knew it Alex had picked me up and was carrying me down the hall princess style.

“Wait,” I shouted as I tried to get down “What are you doing?”

“Stop moving or I’m gonna drop you. We need to get ice on your ankle or it’s going to swell.”

I stopped squirming a bit and tried to relax as we walked into a room at the other end of the hall.

Alex sat me down on a couch and propped my leg on a pillow. Then he went through another door. As soon as he left, the largeness of the room seemed to seep into my mind and I was terrified. I felt so alone.

Luckily Alex came back just then with a pack of ice and placed it on the ankle that had started to swell. He sat down next to me and looked at me with pain in his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he said simply.

“It’s not your fault,” I choked out as I looked away. I suddenly felt like crying again. When did I become such a cry baby?

Alex stared at me for a moment before moving closer to me and wrapping me in his arms. “You can cry if you need to. I’m here for you. You’re not alone.”

I don’t know what it is about him, but when he assures me that I’m not alone it made all the emotions pour out of me and I started crying again. All Alex does is hold me in his arms and comfort me until I stop crying, but to me that’s like giving me the world after what I’ve just been through.

“I’m gonna go call the school and tell them that we won’t be coming in today,” Alex says as he slowly lets me go.

“No,” I shook my head as I grabbed his hand. “You should go.”

“What?” Alex looked shocked and hurt at the same time. “And leave you here alone? No way.”

“I’ll be fine,” I said and tried to smile at him. “I’ve been left home alone before. I’ll probably just sleep the whole time anyway. So there’s no reason for you to stay.”

Alex sighed “Alright, I’ll go. But on one condition.”


“You have to give me your cell number.”

“What?” I practically shouted in surprise. “Why?”

“Because I want to call you between classes to make sure you’re still ok.”

“That’s impossible.”


“Because I don’t have a cell phone.”

“What? Are you serious?” Alex looked shocked.

“Yeah. I’ve been saving my allowance for the last 3 months to pay for one,” I huffed.

Alex got up and looked at me for a moment before walking out of the room without saying a word. Just when the room started to feel big and lonely again he returned with a small box.

He handed it to me “Happy late birthday!” Alex smiled.

“How did you know it was my birthday yesterday?” I was completely shocked and I made no effort to hide it.

“The note your parents left you said Happy Birthday at the end.”

I blushed as I opened the box. “I can’t accept this.” Inside the box was a dark purple model of a high tech cell phone that had just come out in stores last week.

“You can and you will,” Alex smiled as he turned it on for me. “Now I can go to school without worrying so much about you!”

I can’t believe this but I actually blushed when he said this, and I think my heart skipped a beat or two. I sighed as he leaned down and scooped me up again.

“Now what are you doing?” for some reason I didn’t feel like fighting him. I felt so tired.

“I’m taking you back to your room before I go get ready for school.”

Before we even reached my room I was already asleep with my head rested on his shoulder.

~Alex’s view~

I couldn’t stop my heart from racing as Katy rested her head on my shoulder before falling asleep as I carried her to her room.

Please don’t let her hear it. I pleaded as I reached her door.

Luckily she was already asleep. I opened the door and walked over to her bed. I laid her down and covered her up with the blanket. Before I left the room I noticed the teddy bear sitting on the chair next to a box.

“That must be what her parents got her for her birthday,” I strode across the room and picked up the bear, walked over to where Katy slept and laid the bear in her arms.

“Happy birthday Katy,” I whispered as I left the room.


I tried calling her cell phone three different times and still no answer.

Is she still asleep? What if something happened to her? What if someone broke in to the house and kidnapped her or hurt her?

My thoughts ran wild as I ran out of school during lunch hour. I had to make sure she was ok.

I rushed down the sidewalk. Only three more blocks until my street.

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