"I'm sorry for being so bad to you, buddy...I'm really sorry...." apologized Devon, sounding choked.

Jackson turned his back to Devon and stood with his front in my direction. Uh-Oh.

Devon looked totally broken with that. "Jackson, please talk to me. I-I didn't mean to hurt you..."

I saw Jackson clench his first tight and he squeezed his eyes shut. It was obvious he was finding it very difficult to cope up with the range of feelings that were overpowering him.

Damn. It was so hurtful to see such a small kid struggle with himself. A child should never be subjected to such conflicting emotions.

But then I looked at Devon and realized how depressed and anguished he looked as though he could cry any moment from now. The sea of guilt and regret tormenting his blue orbs made my heart crack....

Right then Jackson spun around at Devon and hugged him tight. I saw relief course through Devon's face in large amounts as he put his arms fondly around the little boy.

I felt as though someone had lifted a heavy ruthless boulder off me.

I stood there motionless seeing the brothers in a heartfelt embrace. It was hard to relate what I was watching now to what I saw from the window some time back.

Guess siblings were like that.

"So tell me, how do I make it up to you?" Devon asked Jackson when they parted. "I will do everything you tell me to do," he added meaningfully.

"I, um, I wanted to ask you earlier if you could take me to the beach fair today..." the little boy asked doubtfully.

"Ofcourse! That's a great idea. Let's go!" Devon said, getting to his feet.

"Alright then," I gave a smile to the kid, feeling like a third wheel. The brother had completely forgotten about my presence. "Have fun at the beach, Jackson. I'll see you later."

I turned to leave---

"Eleanor," Jackson ran up to me. "Will you come with us? I really want you to!"

"What?Me?" That was my immediate reaction.

"Don't ask her Jackson if you don't want to hear a No," said Devon quietly without looking at me. "We can do without her anyway."

That made my breaths hitch in pain but I kept silent.

"But why will she say a No?" Jackson asked him. Looking at me the kid asked, "Will you say a No, Eleanor? I really want Devon and you to take me to the beach fair...."

"I'm sorry, Jackson. I'll come with you some other day," I told the kid softly.

"Don't force her, buddy," Devon called out to him. "Both of us will have lots of fun. We don't need her. Come now!"


"She wouldn't come with us, Jackson!" Devon interrupted the kid. "She never did. She won't. Let's leave."

I was about to open my mouth to agree to go the fair with them...

"Okay," Jackson nodded to Devon. "I won't force Eleanor if she doesn't want to come with us." Looking up at me, the kid said, "You're not coming with us because you must be having an important work. We'll go some other day together!"

I was tempted to tell the kid I would come to the fair but instead I gave him a smile and said, "Y-Yeah, right... some other time..Enjoy the fair!"

Jackson gave me a wide grin.

I saw the kid climbing on the passenger seat of the car next to Devon. The kid waved at me and the next thing I saw the car was zooming away...

I was stood there until the car had disappeared out of sight.

Not even once had Devon tried to look at me.


It was around dusk Devon and Jackson had returned from the beach fair. Both the boys were guffawing and in high spirits when they got out of the car. They really seemed to have had a gala time at the fair. I was happy that Jackson was in such a jolly mood unlike how he was this afternoon.

Devon didn't walk inside the house with Jackson. Instead Devon watched the little boy with great fondness as he sprinted into the house.

And then I saw the most unexpected thing after Jackson had disappeared inside the house.

I saw a lone heavy tear roll down Devon's cheek but he immediately rubbed his eyes dry with his arm but he was shaking...

I was shocked.

It was so obvious he was crying because he was finding it difficult to forget how had been with Jackson in the afternoon...

There was a lump in my chest seeing the pain and guilt flash once again in his eyes....

Devon swiftly got into the car, closed the door shut with a bang and drove away....


After dinner that night, I was sitting by the window of my room when I saw Mr. Parker speaking anxiously to someone over the phone outside his house. He looked pale with stress and worry and I got hit by a feeling that it had something to do with Devon.

Even before I could comprehend anything else, I was already rushing down the stairs and then outside my house at Mr. Parker. I was right on time 'cause he was just about to get inside his car.

"Mr. Parker, what happened?" I asked, more urgently than I thought I would.

"Devon has been arrested some time back. I'm going to the cop station," he blurted out in a state of tension and then got into his car and zoomed out of sight.


Again  (PUBLISHED!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon