Chapter Sixty-Seven

Start from the beginning

A click of the dorms door and muffled voices distracted me so I decided to leave Kate to it. I left the bathroom, raising my eyebrows when I saw Jameson with one of the guardians, looking rather annoyed. It was then that I discovered that the guardian wasn't too happy with Jameson being here.

"It's fine," I intervened, walking up to them, amused when my intervention startled them both as they were pulled out of their disagreement.

"He won't get in the way." I promised the guardian who narrowed his eyes slightly before nodding.

"I won't?" Jameson pepped up and I glared at him. Not even bothering to acknowledge the guardians response, I steered Jameson away from the search and into his room. I shut the door behind me and plopped down on his bed.

Jameson watched as I sprawled my limbs out on the bed with a curious expression. "Isn't this a bit over the top?" Jameson asked and I jerked up, my eyes narrowing to slits at him.

"Carter's leg was nearly butchered into hell!" I exclaimed and Jameson rolled his eyes.

"That's an exaggeration." He proceeded to mutter and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well, this isn't, you never know, another knife might come flying out. And, next time, it might be someone else that gets hit." My voice was stern and unwavering, proving a good method when Jameson straightened up and nodded.

"How are you anyway?" I changed the subject with ease, "The hospital dismissed you quite quickly–" I paused and bit my lip, "–did I really ask you to come with me to talk to Harry whilst you were bleeding to death?" With each question, I neared Jameson until the point where he laughed and wrapped his fingers around my wrists, almost as if he was restraining me. I then realised I was trying to grab hold of his shirt as I gestured to where the wound was.

"It's fine, I was only bleeding a little," I raised my eyebrows at Jameson's response and he smiled.

"A lot," he rephrased, "But I got stitches—on both." I then remembered the bullet that slit his arm. I must've looked unconvinced, as Jameson rolled up his sleeve—showing his bulging bicep—and a bandaged arm. He then moved onto pulling up his t-shirt so that I could see the bandage on his side, not that I was paying much attention what with his perfectly sculpted abs.

I frowned, reaching out, "You need to change the bandages." I started to pick at the edges, seeing just how long the bandage had probably been on.

Jameson hissed, "Careful." He scolded and I jolted away from the wound.

"Sorry." I spoke, a tone of hidden embarrassment from being hissed at laced in. I glanced up at Jameson, his hardened features softening slightly.

"I can redress it? I'll try not to hurt you again." I laughed and Jameson smiled in response, thoughts elsewhere but his eyes on me.

"Sure, I'll go get the first aid kit." He told me, the smile never fading, before walking off to his bathroom.

Someone knocked at Jameson's door and Kate popped her head round the door, "We're done for now, thank you." She nodded at me and I smiled. I stood up and held our dorm door open for them to exit out of.

"No problem, bye." Kate smiled back at me and I walked back into Jameson's room once I had closed the front door.

I sat back down on his bed and waited patiently whilst looking around Jameson's room. Although the amount of times I had been in Jameson's room, I had surprisingly never taken the time to look at anything in his room, to observe the place that Jameson spends all his time in—when he's not with me.

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