"Right. Well go on to the others, I'll call you if I need anything" he assured.

Sam watched as she left the room quietly, seeing light beyond the door that must have led to outside, but he looked back up at Zachariah when the door banged shut.

"Why am I here Zachariah? What do you want from me this time?"

"Nothing Sam. I don't want anything from you, I mean, not yet anyway. I thought we could have a little chat first. Like how you can't remember anything lately?"

"Wait... are you behind all that?"

"Well I won't take all the credit, I mean it wasn't even my plan was it? I just agreed to do it and poof! Here you are my little giant, trapped before me."

"You can't just go messing with people's brains you know! That's not-"

"You're right there Sam, I can't go messing with people's brains, I mean that would be rude wouldn't it? That's why I just removed a few little memories that you used to have. Silly memories, like your girlfriend and how when you woke up you had no idea you slept through the whole day. Wiping away memories can do that to you, don't worry."

Sam felt tired listening to this. At least he knew why he couldn't really remember some big details from his life but that in no way justified what Zachariah had done.

"So when are you going to give them back?"

"Give back what?" Zachariah laughed, harshly mocking Sam.

"My memories you asshat, what else?"

"Ah you see, that might be a bit difficult to answer there Sammy. It really depends on you-"

"Me? What the hell do you want from me?"

"I was hoping we could talk about this later but since you're so eager why not just start now? I would think you're familiar of the hatred both Cas and I share, yes?"

"Assuming that you mean Castiel, the angel that's going out with my brother and is one of my best friends, then, yes. Yes I do."

"Well you see Sam, it's like this... Castiel isn't very looked up upon in heaven right now. Our God isn't very happy for him to be... shall we say... doing devil work?"

"Devil work? Cas? An angel doing devil work?" and Sam couldn't help smirking in this serious situation at the possibility of Cas doing anything other than good.

"Cas shouldn't be as friendly with Dean as they are. It's not healthy, it's actually very wrong. Castiel should know this by now, he's been given a various sum of warnings, all of which he's blankly ignored. It's not good Sam, we can't just keep warning him."

"I didn't know angels were so  homophobic. What happened to the whole "love your neighbour as you do yourself" stuff?"

"That has nothing to do with Cas and Dean, Sam. Please don't talk about things you don't understand. You are still a child you know."

Sam sneered but didn't say anything else.

"God wants Cas to return to heaven. He wants to speak to Cas himself to see if then he'll relook his sexual orientation."

Sam let out a laugh that he covered nicely as a simple cough. 

"That's the most stupid, most idiotic plan I have ever heard and I don't want any part in it" Sam declared, shifting uncomfortably in the chair.

"Yeah well it's a good thing nobody really asked what you wanted isn't it? You're a part in this whether you want it or not kiddo. I'm going to call Dean right now, on your cell, and then we'll see what he thinks of this. Wait, isn't tonight his big fat date with Cas? Two years already? That really whipped around us quickly didn't it Sam? I mean doesn't it feel a bit to surreal to remember how it all began?" he tormented Sam, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

He produced Sam's cell from this trouser pocket and held it up to him.
A feeling of mixed anxiety and nausea washed over him as Zachariah opened up the phone and started poking around. He didn't know if he knew how to use it but it wouldn't take him that long. It was simple enough to figure out seeing as it was quite old and basic.
He wriggled his hands around in the tight rope, helplessly trying to break free. It was not working... nothing was working anymore.
Sam didn't want Dean's night to be ruined, he knew Dean would need this one night to himself and Cas. 

"Stop okay, stop!" Sam shouted suddenly, almost scaring the angel.

"Fine I'm in. I'll do what you want, just please, let them have one last good night together. We owe them that at least right?"

Zachariah couldn't believe Sam had given in so quickly but he quickly nodded at his agreement, agreeing that it would be fair enough. What was one more day really?

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood Sam. I'm going to postpone this until tomorrow so your precious brother and mine too can have so you say "one last good night together". But don't think I'm letting you go so that you can spoil everything by telling them my plans. No, Sammy you're going to be coming with me for the night."

A (low key) look of panic appeared on Sam's perfect face when he heard the last part come out from the angel's mouth. Though he was glad that they had both agreed, Sam didn't think it was such a good idea to trust Zachariah after everything he had done to them in the past so he decided to always be alerted.
Zachariah walked towards Sam, getting closer and closer, until his finger was connected to his forehead and he zapped the both of them out of that room to somewhere else entirely where he was sure Sam could be trusted there alone for the night. 

Tomorrow they would start where they had left off.

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