Chapter 70

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Hermione, Ron and myself are aware of how serious the actions we need to take must be. In many senses, they are a lot more serious than Harry's actions - we have to protect our families. But although our fight is by no means as big as his, it's still a fight, and we aren't stopping at anything to protect them. Ron is using the family's ghoul and making it look like himself, before making it appear to have a severe case of Spattergroit, a horribly contagious illness among witches and wizards, and Hermione and I have both decided on the same method - memory charms. Whilst her parents will be moving to Australia, mine will be moving to California, convinced, hopefully, that they live and work there. Should a Death Eater find them, they will have no recollection that I am their daughter. The same spell I am also casting over my little sister. Hermione will be doing the same procedures to her parents, and I am more than thankful that we are now of age.

I find it only fitting that I should spend as much time as I physically can with them before the next week, before I leave, and take myself to the Burrow, for the wedding of Bill and Fleur. Presently, I am in the living room with my sister, and she is sat on the phone, talking to her best friend, whilst I flick through the different channels on television carelessly. 'I know, right? I couldn't believe it, either. She just told me about it when she got back, I couldn't believe the drama. This is why I get so angry at my mum, she tells me next to nothing! Alyssia, how long have you and Draco been split now?' My sister addresses me, causing me to sigh. I turn to face her.

'Morgan, we've been through this. Don't bring it up, I'm not comfortable with it.'
'But I thought he told you he was still in love with you?'
'He did. Well, sort of. It's complicated, Morgan. Besides, I have other things to be worrying about, like NEW - erm, I mean A Levels.' Just in case. I know fine well I won't be doing my NEWTs, that I'm not going back, but Morgan doesn't know that, and, in fact, my family on a whole has no idea.

I switch on the news and observe what is happening. More people going missing. I then take my copy of the Daily Prophet in hand and look down at it to the story on the Muggle Studies teacher at Hogwarts, Charity Burbage, resigning. Something doesn't add up there - it seems that the job title and the circumstances of the present day in the wizarding world clash ever so slightly. I doubt she chose that resignation. And then, of course, there is the tragic story of Amelia Bones, who has been murdered in her home. The biggest shock is the fact she worked for the Ministry, and is so high up. Her room was locked from the inside, and yet she was murdered. Any muggles are baffled by this, but of course, wizards know of how to manipulate those bits. We can apparate. 'Same again.' I mumble, watching Morgan out of the corner of my eye. I note she is now putting down her phone, and is looking over at me.

'What - what's actually happening in your world?' She asks me. Her voice is scared, and she looks bewildered and confused. I attempt a sympathetic smile. 'If I knew I would tell you. I don't know the half of it, I don't think anyone does. Things are going bad. People are going missing, and people are dying. That's about all I can tell you.' At least I'm being honest. I have more to share, but that can't be told. 'But who's doing it? Who would do such a thing, and how haven't they been stopped?' Morgan cries. I can tell she is clearly distressed, especially about my safety. I take her hands in mine.

'What you have to understand, Morgan, is that muggle criminals, bad criminals, and wizard criminals are very different. Wizards are much more powerful. This one has lots of followers, and those he has are horrible but loyal people.' My voice catches at the last bit, and I look down. 'Most of them. Most of them are bad people.'
'But surely they all are if they're following a really bad person and doing these things?' She gestures to the television and the newspaper in my lap. I smile weakly. 'I wish I could say so. I wish I had the strength to say that.' Morgan looks at me a moment, and then realisation washes over her face. I do not hesitate to move on.

'This bad wizard, this very bad wizard, his name is Voldemort. Most magic people are afraid of the name, that's why this paper will call him either He Who Must Not Be Named or You-Know-Who. There are certain people who he wants out of this world, okay? And he won't stop at nothing until everyone who stands up to him is dead, and until he has everything he wants. Our Ministry is trying its hardest to fight him off, but he is very powerful. He's a different kind of criminal to these people you see on the news. You have to understand that he can't be easily stopped because he is too powerful, he's just too brilliant a wizard for the ministry to contend with overnight, and not a good brilliant.'

'Back to that thing you said, about most of his followers being evil . . . Most. Who's the exception?'
'It's - it's not up for discussion.' I turn away from her and to face the tv, listening to the roaring thunder outside. That has definitely increased. Morgan is wide-eyed next to me. 'It's him, isn't it? Draco? That's why you broke up with him.'
'No, that isn't why we broke up.'
'But you didn't deny it.'
'He never said anything about it!' I reply hotly, before taking a deep breath. 'Another thing you must understand is that people are forced to do things because of their background or the people they know. You already know Draco's father was jailed last summer, and Draco was given no options. He was made to do what people told him to. He didn't tell me, and I can understand why. But you know as well as I do that he is not a bad person. Now, let's not talk about this.'

I wave my wand, and the film Alice in Wonderland flies towards us, a bowl of popcorn at its side. 'Let's just keep this discussion between us, okay? And the popcorn, when mum gets back, I don't want a word spoken about it, okay?' Morgan grins as I conjure a can of pop into her hand. 'You know, I love you being a witch, right?'
'Don't get used to special treatment, kiddo.' I shake my head, forcing a grin. But it makes my heart ache. I'd give her all the special treatment in the world next school year if I could, only she won't remember who I am.

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