Chapter 60

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I wake up in the Hospital Wing and groan. 'Oh God, what even happened?'
'You're in a shit tonne of trouble, that's what happened.' I turn my head to see Draco sitting in the chair beside me, looking angry. My head falls back against the pillow. 'What the fuck were you thinking? You almost killed Pansy!'
'Wouldn't have been much of a loss, would it?' I sneer maliciously.
'Are you - are you fucking serious right now?' I sit up and stare at him angrily.
'Look here, you arsehole. That stuck-up bitch doesn't concern me or my life or my relationships with anyone, and saying me and her fighting has absolutely nothing to do with any shit is total crap.'
'She didn't do shit wrong, Alyssia!' Draco says loudly, standing up.

'Yes, she did!'
'What, then?' Draco fumes, glaring at me.
'At the start of the year! Harry told me everything.'
'What are you talking about?' Draco glares, and I stand up furiously.
'You're cheating on me!' I shout loudly, the sound echoing around me.
'What? No I'm not.'
'You fucking well are!' I snort. 'You don't even let me put your head on my lap, or stroke your hair, or do anything as cringe-worthy as that.'
'How the fuck do you -?' Realisation washes over his face. 'Potter.' He spits.
'You didn't deny it. I know that's where you're going, and that's why you haven't been talking to me.'

'You're absolutely ridiculous.'
'Excuse me?' I yell, walking round the bed to stand by him, raging.
'You're absolutely ridiculous! Jesus, you're fucking over-protective.'
'With good reason - you'd much rather be with Parkinson I trust.'
'No, stop making me say shit I never said.'
'You - you -' I throw my hands up in the air. 'He saw you! Harry wouldn't lie to me about that kind of thing.'
'Precious Potter! I wouldn't be surprised if you'd been fooling around with him these past three years.' I feel my mouth drop.
'Don't even go there, I've given you this talk more than enough.'
'And I have about Pansy.' Draco replies cooly.

'Can't you see this from my point of view?'
'Shut up, you're talking too much.' Draco puts his head in his hands.
'Unless you specifically tell me that you're not cheating on me . . .' And then, the whole fight starts coming back. 'You - you let her kiss you! And it was right in front of me!' My eyes well with tears. 'You absolute bastard.' I whisper, and Draco looks at me.
'She just did it -'
'You didn't so much as push her away, did you? Instead, you let her push me down the stairs.'
'Back the fuck up -'
'I'm not stupid! I know what's going on, Draco. As for Pansy, I'm going to murder her.'

'Woah, slow down.' Draco says, putting a hand on my shoulder.
'Don't touch me.' I growl, knocking his hand off me. 'She nearly killed me, fair enough. I nearly killed her, and I'm not satisfied.' I shrug.
'Chill out.' Draco literally has hold of me around my stomach, holding me back from running, and I'm screaming at him to let me go, not to touch me. 'Don't you fucking get it?!'
'You're being melodramatic -'
'No, I'm fucking not -'
'You bloody well are -'
'You're so fucking infuriating -'
'Me?! You're the one who's saying that I'm fucking cheating on you -'
'Don't you even -'
'Miss Dolittle, Mr Malfoy!' I turn around to see a very angry-looking Professor McGonagall.

'Professor.' I incline my head slightly, before I shoot one final glare at Draco.
'Mr Malfoy, would you mind waiting outside?' Draco looks at me before leaving.
'I didn't do shit.'
'Shut up.'
'First Ingrid, now you . . .' His remark causes me to become so intrigued that I almost follow him. What about Ingrid? 'Now, Miss Dolittle,' McGonagall addresses me sternly, 'I am not exactly sure what provoked you to do such an action as to repeatedly smash Miss Parkinson's head into a wall and a banister, but I can assure you that it is not acceptable behaviour.'

'Well, she made out with my boyfriend in front of me, I was angry with her.' I countenance. Professor McGonagll's eyebrows rise. 'However, the actions by Miss Parkinson were not acceptable either. There is sufficient evidence to have the pair of you expelled and sent home.' My heart drops.
'Are you being serious?'
'Absolutely.' McGonagall trills. 'However, seeing as this is just about the first scratch on your record, and you and Miss Granger are top of your year for your examination results, I have decided to let you slide. Professor Snape will be determining Miss Parkinson's fate when she returns from Saint Mungo's after her treatment.'

'Did I - did I actually almost kill her?'
'Her head had a severe split, and should she not have been treated, the outcome may have been severe.' I sink onto the bed slowly, stunned. The feeling makes my insides numb, and cold and icy, and brings me to the brink of tears - I could have been a killer. 'Now, Miss Dolittle, you will receive three month's worth of detention with me every night starting from tomorrow as a punishment. Madam Pomfrey says you are free to go whenever. Now, I'll let you and Mr Malfoy continue with your discussion.'

As McGonagall leaves, I haughtily follow her path, still feeling a little breathless. Draco is still waiting outside. 'I'm sorry.' I whisper, hardly daring to look at him.
'Sorry. I'm sorry I almost killed her.' Draco is silent.
'Do you know what it feels like to have nearly murdered someone?' I murmur, looking up. He refuses to make eye contact with me. 'What did you get?'
'Three month's detention. Bloody good job that I'm well-behaved, she nearly expelled me.'
'Well, that's shitty.' Draco huffs, his back sliding down the wall, an action I mimick. I put my head on his shoulder carefully, and I feel him jump at my touch.

'Is everything okay with you and Ingrid?' I ask softly. Draco shakes his head microscopically. 'How come?'
'We're not exactly speaking. You see, Ingrid was pregnant. I mean, I didn't realise, and - well, she was talking shit about my parents and . . . and I hexed her and -' My hands fly to my mouth. 'Oh my God.' I mutter, shocked beyond words. Draco nods his head solemnly. 'Let's just say we're not exactly speaking.' I sit and look ahead of me, fixing at a point on the wall opposite, before hearing footsteps coming towards us.

'Alyssia! There you are, I thought I'd come and see you. What did McGonagall say?'
'Detention for three months.' I shrug at Hermione, who frowns.
'I don't know why you did it, really.'
'Yes, you do.' I shudder, reliving the memory. Draco shifts uncomfortably beside me. 'You were there, remember?' I look down at my hands and sigh to myself. Thank God McGonagall likes me, and thank fate that I wasn't put in Slytherin.

Distance // Draco MalfoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon