Chapter 16

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'Alyssia, darling! You've got a post owl down here.' I hear my mum shout.
'Coming!' I bound down the stairs and into the kitchen, where a familiar black owl is perched on the kitchen window. I extract the letter and the large parcel it is carrying before it flies off. 'Who's it from? Hermione?'
'No, Malfoy.' Mum sits down at the table and smiles apologetically.
'He's really making an effort, huh?'
'You could say that.'
'Honey, if you want to forgive him, if you really do want to, which I'm sure you do, then why don't you?' She stands and leaves the room, leaving me frowning.

I take the letter and present up to my room and tear open the envelope, beginning to read:


I know you don't want to talk to me. I know I don't deserve you as a friend. I know I fucked up. But I can't and I won't stop trying to get you to talk to me again. You're my bestest friend in the whole world and I miss you. I really am sorry that I called Hermione a mudblood, and I'm sorry I said it in front of you. I'm sorry I said it to you. The term is just used so much at home that it is part of my vocabulary now. Please just think over forgiving me. I won't use the term again.

Away from that, I hope you're having a nice break. Mine is going well so far, although Dobby has been acting a bit odd. I hope that your family is well and you get everything you want this Christmas. I hope you like your present.


P.S. Don't feel that you have to reply to this.

The letter causes my heart to swell with happiness and my eyes to fill with tears. It feels much better to have it in writing. I tear the paper from the heavy parcel and find myself gobsmacked. Piled on top of one another are at least five muggle books, as well as an assortment of sweets and, right at the top, a box. I open it and feel a few tears slip down my face. It's a silver charm bracelet. The charms on the bracelet are a little heart, a book and an A. In front of me, I find the proof that he cares. The letter, and the undeniably thoughtful gifts, the countless verbal sorries. He did what I told him; he really pulled it out of the bag.

I find myself some parchment and scribble one sentence onto the paper and nothing more.

I forgive you.

I tie the letter to Feather's leg and send her off quickly, smiling as I do so. I fasten the bracelet onto my wrist and find it a perfect fit. I tear open the packet of Wonka Nerds and grab one of the books, beginning to read it, grinning to myself as I do so. Bloody hell, does Draco care.

Ten days later

I see the blonde hair before I see the face. When the features come into view, they are smiling broadly at me. I grin back and watch as Draco rushes over, hugging me so tight that he picks me up. I squeeze him back. 'Thank you.' He whispers into my hair.
'How could I stay mad at you?' I tease, laughing.
'I've got no idea.' Draco digs his hands into his pockets. 'I really don't deserve you to make up with me.'
'Don't be stupid.' I shake my head, and he follows me towards my mum and my sister as I go to say goodbye. I notice he looks a little tense. 'You don't have to come -'
'No, I want to.' He says quickly.

'Mum, this is my friend Draco.' I introduce him. My mum smiles.
'Nice to meet you.' Draco says a little awkwardly, holding out his hand. My mum doesn't just take his hand, she bloody hugs him. I feel my cheeks heat. 'Draco, finally! Alyssia has told me so much about you!' Draco smiles awkwardly.
'And this is my sister, Morgan.' I indicate to the little girl at my mother's side. Draco holds out his hand and Morgan shakes it, grinning devilishly, cheekily. The whistle blows. 'Ooh, hurry along, you two! It was lovely to meet you, Draco.'
'Yeah, you too.'
'See you soon, darling.' My mum hugs me and kisses my forehead.
'I'll see you soon. Have fun.'
'You too!' She waves as me and Draco turn away to board the train.

'They seem nice.' Draco says as he peers into a compartment to see if it is empty. I can't help myself but turn around and hug him. He seems caught off-guard and stumbles backward, but hugs me back nevertheless. 'Thank you for that. For everything recently. It has honestly meant so much.' I mumble.
'It's fine, it's fine. I'm just glad we've made up.' I hear a cough behind us and release Draco quickly, stepping back. 'Excuse me.' Pansy Parkinson sneers.

'I see you two finally made up. How sweet.' She drawls sarcastically. 'Come on, Draco. You don't want to be seen hanging around with her, do you? We've been looking for you.' Pansy wanders up to him and puts an arm around his waist and her head on his shoulder. Jesus, do I hate her. I feel a stab of something in my gut, but don't know what it is. Draco looks at me, and I give him a look as if to say Go! 'I'll see you around, Lyssa.'
'See you, Draco.' As I turn away, I hear Pansy Parkinson shriek,

'Where've you been?' Ron asks as I sit down.
'Sorry, I was . . . I couldn't find you.'
'Who were you with?' Harry presses.
'Just no one.' I hear Hermione gasp.
'You've made up with Malfoy, haven't you?' I feel my cheeks heat a little. I wasn't going to tell them for a little while, until I knew I could build my trust up again with him. 'Yeah, I did.'
'Great!' I look up at Ron, awestruck.

'No more polyjuice potion!'
'Yes, polyjuice potion. We've just made up, and even so I am not going to get him to tell me private things and then go behind his back, I really don't fancy getting into another fight with him. He probably won't tell me anyways because I'm friends with you guys, and he won't trust that, will he?'
'She's right. Polyjuice potion it is.' Hermione pipes up. I hear Ron groan, and see him pull a face. 'This so going to be bloody disgusting.'

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