Chapter 66

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Upon returning to school, the atmosphere hanging over the Weasleys is obscenely depressing; I cannot say that I blame them, at all. The fact that I will not be seeing Draco as usual when I return to school is rather daunting, but something I have attempted to come to terms with. I can't change that I am deeply in love with him, and I also can't change that he isn't with me, and I wish that I did not miss him as desperately as I presently do. Me and Hermione are both pouring over our Potions books, and I frown when I look at the recipes, unable to fathom just how Harry with his note-covered book is managing to get such amazing grades. 'If the potions are not correct, why are they instructed like this in this fucking book?' I growl, turning a page with Hermione, observing a page upon Polyjuice Potion. 'I do not know.' Hermione mutters.

Her and Ron are still not speaking to one another. She remains devastated about the Burrow, a place of which she knew well, but did not offer condolences to Ron. She did, however, grieve for the rest of the Weasleys, of whom she remains on good personal terms with. The action caused an uproar on Ron's behalf, especially when one considers just how annoyed he is becoming by Lavender, and I can tell that he misses Hermione ever so dearly - yet she is proceeding to uphold her grudge with him.

As we emerge from the train, the excitement of finally returning to Hogwarts grips me thoroughly, and I feel relief in stepping through the front doors of the castle, and proceeding to the Great Hall for tea. I seat myself with Hermione and Ginny, seeing Ron and Harry sitting further up the table, and excuse myself momentarily to speak with them. 'Hi.' I smile, seating myself beside Harry, who grins when he sees me.
'Still no further forward with Hermione?' I ask Ron, who shakes his head in a sulky fashion. 'No. Honestly, I forgot why she's even mad at me in the first place.' He grumbles, and me and Harry exchange dark looks very briefly, before Ron can identify them as so.

I frown when I see Draco enter the Great Hall and seat himself by Pansy. 'Git.' I huff, folding my arms in front of me. 'Just ignore him.' Harry mumbles, and Ron nods solemnly beside him. 'Yeah, I guess.' I reply, extracting an essay from my bag and checking it over, finishing my conclusion. 'So, what essay is that?' Ron asks casually, looking over my shoulder. 'Simply a Transfiguration essay, Mr Weasley, sir.' I reply.
'Could you, you know, maybe help me with mine? You could just give me your essay and I'd be fine.' Harry looks up hopefully, and although I roll my eyes, I can hardly suppress a grin. 'Just the first paragraph.'


'Alyssia, Hermione!' Harry breaths, relief consuming his face.
'Yes?' We both answer, looking up from our books.
'You need to come, quickly. Where's Ginny?'
'Upstairs, why? Harry, what's going on?' I ask him, bewildered.
'Get Ginny and I'll explain.' Of course, I am more than aware of the fact that Harry does like Ginny, so I am not surprised at his asking for her. I run up to the dormitories and call for her, and Ginny and I make our way down the stairs and back to the common room. 'Well?' I ask, folding my arms.

'This may be a bit of a shock . . . Ron's been poisoned.'
'What?' I watch Hermione jump up, snap her book shut and throw it upon the sofa. I am quick behind her, as is Ginny. 'What, is he okay?' She panics further, as Harry sets off at a brisk pace, us close behind him. 'Well, he's alive, if that's what you mean.' Harry replies, and we all climb out of the portrait hole.

The walk to the Hospital Wing is a one of silence. The walk, although it hardly takes five minutes, seems to drag insanely. I follow Harry, with Hermione clutching my hand, her eyes wild with worry. 'Oh my God . . . what if he doesn't make it? I wouldn't have -'
'Hermione, don't be stupid. Ron will be fine, I know it.' I have concern for my best friend, of course I do, but I do not believe for one second that he shall pass away. 'He's going to be alright, I managed to get a bezoar in him, so I think he'll be okay.'

Arriving at the hospital wing, I see Ron lying in a bed, clearly asleep, and feel a slither of worry climb in me. He is pale, almost grey in complexion, and this fact scares me ever so deeply I can hardly bear to look at him. Hermione seats herself in a seat beside him, and Ginny does the same on the opposite side. Harry and I stand at the foot of the bed in complete silence, as Madam Pomfrey does approach. 'Will he be alright?' Hermione blurts suddenly. 'He'll be fine, Miss Granger.' Madam Pomfrey assures Hermione, who breaths a sigh of relief.

'What even happened, Harry?' I ask him, and Harry breaths in deeply.
'Well, Romilda Vane was apparently trying to smuggle me that love potion, Hermione . . . only Ron found the bate first. So I took him to Professor Slughorn and he made him the remedy, and then he opened this bottle of stuff and - and Ron just -' Harry frowns at his best friend, laying in the hospital bed. Hermione's hands are at her face. 'He said he had other intentions for it, it's just that Ron took the first drink.'
'Who would do such a thing?' I gasp, shocked. 'Someone has surely spiked that drink for some reason, but why would they do it?'
'And who could it be?' Hermione mumbles, frowning as she looks down at Ron.
'Who knows. The world is full of mad people, we should know that better than anyone.' Harry frowns. And he is right - that is the inevitable truth.

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