Chapter 68

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Happy dreams are brilliant dreams. They are so far from the perplexing reality that we find ourselves consumed by on an almost daily basis. They let us escape to a haven which is both safe, relaxing and enjoyable, and they inject hope into our systems. I'm not usually a one for naps, but today had to be an exception. With term near enough ending, everyone is beyond weary, and in the common room, I have hardly been able to keep my eyes open, so Hermione sent me to bed. I asked her to wake me shortly, before dreaming of library books and King's Cross, faces of my family.

And then, I was shook.

'Alyssia, get up.' Hermione's voice sounds pleading.
'What?' I mutter, rubbing sleep out of my eyes. She almost hesitates.
'I don't know what it is exactly. But all of a sudden, the whole common room has gone into commotion, but we aren't leaving it just yet. It must be something major, I've never seen anyone act quite like they are doing downstairs in all the time we've been here. I also found this at the bottom of your bed.' Hermione hands me a piece of parchment, and I look down at it, only able to stare blankly. I'm sorry. That's what it says, and that's all it says. It doesn't say who it is from, or anything. 'Weird.'
'Come on, Alyssia.' Hermione begs, and I place the note back on my bed and spring up, following her from the dorm.

The commotion in the common room is just as Hermione described it. 'Seamus, what's going on?' I ask the boy in an alarmed manner.
'Haven't you heard? Apparently the Drak Mark has been set over the Astronomy Tower. Try getting to the window if you can, I haven't been able to.' But then, the sounds become sighs of relief, and the portrait hole is opened, all the Gryffindors starting to flood out and in different directions. I approach the window, and gasp at the sight, hearing similar reactions from Hermione and Ron. There, is the Dark Mark, demonic in the sky. A bright glare is coming from the direction of Hagrid's cabin, and I notice that it is lit, blood red and golden spark-like against the velvet black of the surrounding trees. I nudge Hermione and point at it. 'Oh my God.' She mutters.
'Come on, let's go.'

We run down the stairs, hurrying, and, as we pass the Entrance Hall, I am left in a state of shock. 'What happened here?' Evidence of dark curses stain the wall, and, as I peer into the Great Hall, I realise that all of the windows are smashed up. 'Something isn't right. Come on.' We begin to pass through the courtyard, but I notice a few teachers standing around, pale as anything, looks of shock riddled into their faces, and catch a body on the floor. We change our course and approach, and a gasp escapes my mouth when I realise that there, on the floor, is Dumbledore, as dead as a man could get.

Silent tears escape my system, and I allow my mind to wander to just how this tragedy could have occurred. I thought Harry was supposed to be with Dumbledore, yet where is he now? More students are flooding into the courtyard, and, upon seeing the body on the floor, emit gasps and cries, are struck with looks of horror, each more surprised than the last. Words do escape me at this moment to describe how heart-wrenching this situation is.

I did not know Dumbledore all too well, I have spoken to him alone a few times yet he is - he was not someone who I did converse with often, but he was such an extraordinary wizard, and no one could deny that fact. Yet what causes a wizard of such greatness to die so suddenly? I certainly did not know him like Harry did . . . Harry. Oh my, where is he? He was with Dumbledore, he must have been one of the last people to see him alive, what if he died whilst with Harry? He must be feeling devastated, Harry admired Dumbledore so much, and was particularly close to him.

And that's when I see him, push past a few people beside me, and walk forwards, through the crowd, to where the body lies. He kneels down, looks over him, and I think that I see him extract something from a pocket, but I cannot tell, and I am too grieved to let my curiosity linger much longer. Ginny then steps forward, crouches down, and brings Harry into a hug. When I catch him look up, I note that his face is soaked with shimmering tears. Professor McGonagall raises her wand, quite suddenly, and I note a soft light appear from the tip.

Once looking at the Dark Mark, I catch a small, small speck of it appears white. Slowly, I note many other teachers raising their wands to the sky, and some students, including myself, begin to raise theirs, wand points shining with a misty light. An act of respect for a past wizard. By now, the patch of white within the Dark Mark is slowly growing, consuming more of the threatening symbol, and, whilst the wands continue to point up at the sky, the light becomes brighter from above, consuming the Mark.

And then, the bright light is too strong. The Dark Mark is wholly consumed by the power of the wands below, and it vanishes from sight in the inky black sky above us. Words still seem to be failing me, and I note that my face is still covered in silent tears, my feelings numb, as I look down upon the scene. And the thing which breaks my heart further is that my best friend has suffered yet another loss, another death, in his lifetime, has suffered so much, things that no one should have to go through, and things keep continuing to break his heart. Shit, I thought I'd had my heart broken before, but I guess I should think again as I look down at the clearly broken-hearted boy clutching the mess of red hair. And that's what hurts my heart the most.

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