Chapter 2

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We received our timetables the following morning, and it took a few weeks to get used to the routine. Seating plans were everything. I was becoming close with Ron and Harry, and Hermione was now my closest friend. Well, her and Draco. Him and I sat together in a few lessons, and we spent most breaks and some lunches together. When we weren't talking about him, which I had to admit started pissing me off, Draco was trying to learn about myself, which I thought sweet. He never talked of anyone but hisself usually. I had learned that I was the only one who was allowed to call him "Draco" when speaking directly to him, the only one he wouldn't glare at if the term was used.

Currently, we are in transfiguration. I'm sitting next to Hermione in the middle of the classroom, Draco on my left, the desk next to me. 'Hi.' He whispers as we take our seats. 'Hey.' I reply back, looking ahead at McGonagall, who is talking about transfiguring animals. When we are instructed to pick up our wands, me and Hermione perform our incantations, and both of us nail it on the third attempt. 'How did you do that?' Draco glances at my now-transfigured insect.
'Well -'
'She won't tell you, Malfoy.' Hermione snarls at Draco. He glares distastefully at her. 'No one asked you, Granger.' He snaps whilst looking beyond offended at the fact Hermione is talking to him. I give him stern eyes. 'Draco, walk away.' I whisper. He stares at me before glaring once again and turning back to his spider. 'Bit hard when I'm sitting.' I hear him mutter, and I roll my eyes.
'I really can't see what you see in him that would make you want to be friends with him.' She shakes her head and pulls a face.
'And I can't see why you won't give Ron and Harry another chance. You hardly know them. What did they do again? Tell you you were too smart, was it?' I reply, flicking a page in my textbook.

Hermione doesn't speak to me for the remainder of the lesson. Once it is time for break, Draco and I stand and exit the room together. The day presents one of sun, but the wind is rather chilling. Draco leads us down to the usual spot we sit at, a big tree by the black lake, and begins to twirl his wand between his fingers. 'Y'know, I can't understand why you're friends with that lot.'
'I could say the same about your so-called friends.' I shake my head.

'The lot of them hate me because of my house. Draco, it's pathetic. I don't understand why there's a barrier on us all the time. You're one of my closest friends.'
'Well, ignore them, we're not talking about them. I'm talking about your lot.'
'There is nothing wrong with my choice in friends, thank you.' I look up from my book to see Draco glaring at me slightly. 'Look, I know you can't stand them, but when do you hear me complaining about your group?'
'Two minutes ago.'
'You asked for it then.' I snap.

'Potter. Merlin, how can you spend time with him? He's so annoying, thinks he's brilliant because he survived the bloody killing curse. And Weasley -' Draco pulls an even worse face, '- he's just an idiot. The whole lot of his family is.'
'I will have you know that I have considerable respect for every member of that family no matter how many insults you throw at them.' I fume silenetly. Draco stares long and hard at me. He looks down, and I grin. For once have I received the upper hand? Bloody hell, do I hope so. Just as I settle down against the bark and immerse myself once again in the continuous pages of my book, I hear, 'And that Granger.'

I clench my fists - Hermione is one of my best friends. 'She's nothing but a snob. She's hardly intellectual, is she? I mean, you're bright. She just . . . she's so irritating, she thinks she knows everything -'
'Draco -' I warn him. He glances at me before continuing.
'I'd love to hex her one day, maybe those bloody teeth would get even larger.' He sniggers. 'And don't even get me started on the fact that she's a filthy muggle-born.'

I take a sharp breath. Did someone just stab me? No, apparently not. Tears of sadness and anger threaten to flood over my face. 'I'm a muggle born.' I whisper. Draco's face shows instant regret.
'I - I didn't mean it like that! I mean, you're my best friend -'
'Muggle-born.' I whisper, getting up.
'Alyssia! I - I didnt -'
'You didn't what? That's low, even for you! God, I'd heard your family were
muggle haters, clearly you're no different!' I shout over my shoulder as I storm away. 'I didn't realise -'
'You're an insensitive little shit, Malfoy. You know that, right?' I storm up the stairs, turning back only to aim a jinx at him, before I run to the Gryffindor common room.

'What's wrong?' Harry asks straight away upon seeing my sniffling.
'Malfoy.' I croak.
'I thought you always said "Draco".'
'Well, he's offended me, so no.'
'What did he do?'
'He called Hermione a filthy muggle-born. And I'm a muggle-born!' I wail, waving my wand angrily and causing several screams. 'He's a foul git, he is.' Ron sounds disgusted.
'Alyssia? You okay?' It's Hermione. I throw my arms around her and cry as I tell her my story. 'C'mon, let's go to the dorms.' She whispers, and I catch her glaring at Harry and Ron.

'I'm so sorry about earlier.'
'It's fine, I know you're close. He's a slippery git, Malfoy. He doesn't care about anything or anyone unless it's himself.'
'I got so angry I hexed him.' I cough.
'Good. What curse?'
'Bat-bogey hex. I've been reading a lot on it and it worked first time.' I say, feeling relatively proud now.
'I'm happy you did. He really isn't worth your tears, Alyssia. He's just a foul human being who enjoys annoying other people.' She glances worriedly at me for a minute. 'C'mon, early to bed.' She ushers me, pulling my covers up to my chin. 'You get some sleep. I'll deal with Malfoy.'

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