Chapter 43

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Harry was angry when he came to us at headquarters. His hearing at the Ministry had reached us, and we were all nervous for the outcome. He had, after all, done nothing wrong, and it was not anybody's opinion that he had performed magic deliberately for no reason within Grimauld Place. Although Harry was certainly still angry, he was still speaking to us. However, it wasn't the same. He seemed intimidated to speak, and constantly nervous to approach us. He mainly vented to Sirius, which I can understand. However, I could notice these small changes in his persona.

We are now seated on the Hogwarts train, on our way back to Hogwarts. I have not yet seen Draco, but I am sure he is beyond angry at me. 'Everything sorted between you and Malfoy?' Harry asks casually, looking out of the window.
'I don't know, I have yet to see him.' I shrug, staring into the corridor, as if expecting him to walk by us. 'Bloody well hope not.' I hear Ron mutter, and I shoot him a look.
'I should probably look for him soon, I could really do with him not being pissed at me before we get back to school.' I stand quickly and slide back the compartment door, only to walk out and run straight into a black suit. 'Oh, hey.' It's Draco.

'I was just about to come looking for you, actually.' I smile, a smile which he only weakly returns. I lean against the wall and sigh, seeing my three best friends' eyes on me. 'Look, I really am sorry that I couldn't come in the summer. I wanted to, I really, really did. But mum thinks it's important that I have "quality time" with her boyfriend. She's really in love with him, Draco. I even asked if I could take some Floo Powder so I could visit you, but she said it may get confiscated, that the security might think it illegal. I really wanted you to come to mine, too. Morgan has grow up so much since you last saw her, and she possesses many qualities that you do.' I step forwards and take Draco's hand.

He sighs and glares into the compartment behind me. 'Fine. It's probably good you didn't visit, anyways. Tensions were high in my house over the holidays.' I breathe a sigh of relief and embrace Draco.
'I was worried you wouldn't forgive me for a moment there.'
'How could I not?' Draco chuckles, connecting our lips for a lengthy time. When we pull away, I feel myself going red. 'I have to go.'
'Is everything okay?' I ask, for Draco looks deeply concerned.
'Yeah, I just need to sort a few things out with Ingrid. She keeps complaining that I need a new girlfriend, which I know I don't.' Draco winks.
'Okay, I'll see you later.'

When I slip back into the compartment, Ron makes a noise of disgust. 'PDA much?' He groans. 'I can't believe you're still with him after what Harry saw!'
'That's his father, not him. He said tensions were high. Just because Draco's father is involved with you-know-who does not mean Draco himself is.' I finish, folding my arms and opening my textbook, reading. 'Did any of you notice that we didn't get any DADA books?' I frown.
'Yes, it's most odd. I would think we would need one, especially as this is our OWL year.' Hermione replies.

When we reach school and get off the train, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle walk past us. At Draco's remark, Harry furiously tries to storm forward, but me, Ron and Hermione hold him back. 'What did I tell you? Complete nutter!' I hear Draco spit.
'Just stay away from me!' Harry shouts, and we all let go of him.
'It's only Malfoy.' Ron mutters to him, but Harry just glares and shakes us off, walking ahead. I exchange frightened looks with both Hermione and Ron, and before I start to walk, feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Ingrid King before me. 'What do you want?' I ask, folding my arms. She has never been particularly pleasant toward me.

'Just to say that you'd better enjoy Draco whilst he lasts.' She smirks, giggling. I furrow my brows. 'What?'
'There's a new girl, you see. I didn't catch her name, dark hair. Anyways, Draco was more than certainly flirting with her on the train. And I wouldn't lie about something like this, even if I am desperate to get rid of you. I don't like destroying people's relationships.'
'A - a new girl?' I gulp, suddenly fearful. Ingrid smirks.
'Don't worry, I'm sure you'll catch him at it. I'll see you around, Dolittle.' She stalks off ahead of me, leaving me rooted to the spot. 'Is something up? You look peaky.' Hermione frowns.
'I'm fine.' I lie, faking a smile.

'Great, we've missed the carriages.' Ron groans.
'No, there's one left.' Hermione points to a black carriage which is pulling itself along, parking in front of us. Harry is intrigued by the front of the carriage. 'What's that? That thing that's pulling the carriage?'
'Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry. It's pulling itself, like always.' Hermione stutters, before we exchange looks and get in. 'You're not going mad.' A voice says. 'I can see them, too. You're just as sane as I am.' I see Luna Lovegood sitting in the carriage and internally groan; she's a bit crazy. 'Everyone this is Looney Lovego—' Hermione stops herself mid-sentence, 'Luna Lovegood.' She corrects herself, sitting up straight. Neville, who we met upon arriving, shuffles uncomfortably.

When we reach Hogwarts, Dumbledore has a few announcements to make. 'The post of Defence Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Dolores Umbridge, and I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck.' As Dumbledore goes to continue, Umbridge coughs and all heads turn to her. 'She was at my hearing, she works for Fudge.' Harry says, and I feel my brow furrow. 'Thank you professor, for those kind words of welcome. And how nice it is to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be great friends.'
'That's likely.' Fred and George mutter, and I try not to giggle as they get a stern look from Umbridge.

After a speech about progress and prohibition, the feast begins. 'What does it mean if Fudge has sent her in?' Harry asks.
'It means the Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts.' Hermione replies, not taking her eyes off the staff table as the food appears on the tables. I look over at the Slytherin table and watch Draco carefully, and I can sense Ingrid looking at me. He's looking at the Gryffindor table, and his eyes are resting on the new girl. I feel my stomach knot. I'm not jealous, I'm just overcome with a horrible sickness. 'Aren't you going to eat anything, Alyssia?' Hermione asks, staring at my empty plate. 'No, thank you. I'm fine.' I reply, and I see her glance to the Slytherin table, where Draco has now caught sight of the new girl and is mouthing something to her, smiling. I look down and think I'm going to throw up today's lunch. I'm not at all jealous.

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