Chapter 29

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Term is now only a few days from its end. Me and Hermione have decided that we are both dropping Divination and Muggle Studies. Trelawny is nuts and we don't need Muggle Studies, so we can hand our timeturners over. We couldn't avoid Harry finding out about our timeturners. Ron was too ill to rescue Buckbeak and Sirius with us. Whilst we hid behind the wall, watching as Hermione punched Draco, I felt a stab of something in my gut. I wasn't happy when she did it, but even I had to admit that he was being such a jerk. And then, she threw the punch as we watched our past selves. Then, I heard, 'I'll get that jumped-up mudblood, mark my words.' And although Hermione showed no sign of being affected, it hit me hard. And when I see him, I'm not going to be pleased with him. At all.

Currently, we are sitting in the Great Hall, and I am finishing yet another essay, the last one of this year, thankfully. 'I might go outside, it's such a beautiful day.' I grin. Hermione sighs.
'You need to stop trying to find him.'
'Malfoy. You keep looking for him. The comment, it doesn't even bother me.'
'He broke his promise, it bothers me. It's not like I'm going to break up with him, I love him so much and -'
'You what?' Shit. 'That's why you got back together? You told me it was just because you decided everything was okay and people deserve second chances!' Hermione hisses. The two boys are now looking over. 'What's the commotion?'
'She's in love with Malfoy!'

Harry and Ron look shocked. 'You what now?'
'Come on Alyssia, you're fourteen!'
'And? Look, I only told you guys part - well, practically none - of the story.'
'Spill, then.' Ron says impatiently.
'We were having this kind of shouting match. Well, I was. But it was just in the middle of the hall, so we went into this classroom and at first I was really really mad.' I continue to fill them in on Draco's losing it, and how he only went out with Pansy to annoy me. 'I didn't believe him at first. I was super mad. And then he just kind of said it. And you know him, he wouldn't say that. And then, well . . .' I trail off and blush.
'Well?' Harry presses.
'Well, we were kissing and um - Lupin walked in.' Hermione goes red, Ron starts laughing and Harry's jaw drops. 'So yeah, it was dead awkward. But I just wanted to keep it between us.'

'How? It's just, this is Malfoy we're talking about. He doesn't love anyone but himself.'
'He wants me to stay over in the summer. Sometime before the Quidditch World Cup.'
'You stay at his? Have you thought this through? His parents hate muggle-borns, Alyssia.'
'They shouldn't care as long as he's happy.' I snap.
'Why Malfoy? Of all the decent people you could have chose, and you choose him.'
'He is decent, just not to you. And I love him. He loves me. No argument.' I grumble. 'I'm going outside for a bit, I miss it here during the summer.' I get up and walk out of the Entrance Hall and down the steps, to my favourite spot by the Black Lake. There, I finish my essay, before I sit and I watch the lake ripple. 'Hello, love!' I hear. I spin around and see Draco.

'Oh, hey.' I say as he sits down next to me.
'What's wrong?' He asks, looking concerned. I take a deep breath and face him.
'We need to talk.'
'Oh, no. You're not breaking up with me, are you?'
'No, don't be stupid. I just need to tell you off.' I shrug. Draco eyes me carefully.
'Look, I know you had every right to be angry with Hermione after she punched you, I get that. I was mad for you for a while. But you didn't need to call her a "jumped-up mudblood".'
'How did you hear that?' Draco shoots.
'I have extremely sharp hearing, you'd be surprised. Draco, you know how offended I get.' My tone is soft, but still stern. Draco is watching me very carefully. 'Sorry. I'm trying, I swear.'
'I know. Just be more careful next time, yeah?' He nods.

'You're still going to stay in the summer, right?'
'Yes, of course. Before the World Cup, though. I'm going with the Weasleys.' I can see Draco restraining from pulling a face. 'Father and I are going to be in the Minister's box.' Draco boasts.
'Maybe I'll see you there.' I grin, slight sarcasm in my voice. 'Wish wizards had phones.'
'What the hell is a phone?'
'You talk to people through it.' I explain. Draco rolls his eyes.
'Odd.' We stand and begin to make our way up to the castle.
'Your parents are fine, then? With the whole muggle background?'
'Yes, absolutely.' Draco says, rather quickly. 'Why?'
'Just checking. I'm so proud of you, you know. Telling them. It really means a lot to me.' I smile. Draco grins at the floor.
'Dolittle!' I hear someone shouting. I turn to see Ingrid running up to me.

'Hey, Draco.' She says when she reaches us. 'Can I have a word?' She asks me. I shrug and nod, following her to the far corner of the Entrance Hall. She turns to me and looks scary, not sweet like before. 'You'd better not hurt him again.' She growls.
'After last time. You crushed him.'
'He crushed me.'
'This is different. He really loves you. You can make him do things no one else can, he's nicer to people when he's with you. He's not like that normally.'
'I know.'
'And if you end that, if you finish it like you made him do so last time - he, his parents, the whole of Slytherin House - we'll destroy you and everyone and thing you love. Capiche?' She looks menacing, threatening.
'As long as he gives me no reason.' I shrug.
'You'd better not ruin him. Draco has never loved anyone but himself. You hurt him, and I will personally hunt you down and kill you. Got it?' And with one last glare, she walks away.

'What was that about?' Draco asks when I return.
'Oh, nothing.'
'Are you okay?' He asks, taking my face in his hands and turning it. 'You look a bit pale.'
'I'm fine.' I smile. 'Come on, let's go.' I take his hand and we head into the Great Hall. 'Alyssia! Hermione asked us to let you know -' Fred starts.
'She's gone back to the common room with Harry and Ron -'
'And she wants you to meet her there in fifteen minutes -'
'So you can pack your stuff with her and see McGonagall.' George finishes.
'What does McGonagall want?' Draco asks.
'Probably nothing major.' I shake my head and turn to the twins. 'Thanks, boys.' I laugh.
'Anytime, Dolittle.' They grin, before looking cold. 'Malfoy.'
'Weasley.' Draco spits as they turn around.

The fifteen minutes fly over. Time always does with Draco. It sounds so cliche, I know, but it really does. 'I'd better go and meet them now.'
'Not even five more minutes?'
'Draco.' I say sternly, and he rolls his eyes. 'Besides, Pansy has been staring for ages and I'm uncomfortable.' I shrug, seeing her get up from the Slytherin table. 'Oh God, here she comes. I'm going to go, I'll see you later.'
'Bye.' He kisses me quickly as I start in the direction of the door. I hear Pansy fake a gag as she approaches Draco, and hear him reply with a "shut up". I laugh to myself. Maybe I am the only one who can distort his personality.

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