Chapter 22

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LAST UPDATE TONIGHT I PROMISE! I shall stop with my spam!

The upcoming Hogsemeade trip is the talk of the third-years and above. Everyone is talking about it, and the buzz has gotten everyone in the mood. Waking up this morning, I feel truly excited as I get ready. Me and Hermione talk solely of the places we want to visit - The Three Broomsticks, Zonko's, Honeydukes, the Shrieking Shack. We shove some clothes on before wandering down the stairs, out of the portrait hole and to the Great Hall for breakfast. We catch sight of Ron sitting at the Gryffindor table with a crestfallen-looking Harry.

Just as I start to nibble on my toast and ask Harry if he wants me to bring anything back for him, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I spin around to see Draco, and I beam at him. 'Hey!'
'Meet me outside, okay?' He whispers.
'Okay.' I reply under my breath. He flashes me a small smile and walks off.
'What did he want?' Harry and Ron chorus when I turn back around.
'He happens to be my friend, and he is entitled to talk to me whenever.' I say, taking another bite of toast.

Once I finish breakfast, I say goodbye to Harry, Ron and Hermione and leave the Great Hall. Draco is waiting for me by the door to the Entrance Hall, and he beams when he sees me. I grin back and we walk out into the courtyard together, where many of the third-years are now gathered. I catch sight of Ron and Hermione and wave at them. Hermione waves back, as does Ron, but the two glare at Draco. 'Play nice.' I whisper.

For most of the walk down the green and into the town me and Draco are silent. We talk little, just enjoying one another's company. The town itself is beautiful. It's a quiet little village, and the shops and places here are brilliant. Draco complains a bit when I drag him into a few of the shops, but he laughs just as much at the fact that I can't control my excitement. When I see Ron and Hermione inside Honeydukes, I wave frantically and rush over to them. 'This place is incredible.'
'Tell me about it.' Hermione whispers. I hear Draco cough behind me.
'I've made this uncomfortable enough. I'm going to buy these for Harry, I'll see you later.' I whisper.

Draco is silent whilst we queue and is silent when we get out of the shop, only nodding and shaking his head at questions. 'What's wrong?' I ask him. He suddenly grabs my robe and pulls me to one side. 'What's wrong?' He leads me up the alleyway and soon we come out to a short hill, which he drags me up to reveal the Shrieking Shack. 'Your bloody friends are what's wrong.'
'There's nothing wrong with my choice of friends. Besides, you never hear me complaining about your friends.'
'My friends?'
'You know. Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini. And don't even get me started on fucking Pansy Parkinson.'

I see a smirk creep onto Draco's lips. 'Sounds like someone is jealous.' He sneers.
'I am not jealous of Pansy Parkinson.'
'So, what's your problem with her?'
'She's just so annoying . . . You're not actually defending her, are you?'
'Maybe.' Draco shrugs. He looks triumphant. 'There's nothing wrong with Pansy.'
'Nothing wrong with her? Jesus, are you kidding?'
'What's wrong with me defending her over you?'
'Maybe because I'm your best friend and I really really like you!' I shout, before I gasp and cover my mouth. I did not just say that.

Draco stops still. 'What?' I remove my hands from my mouth.
'Nothing, I -' I am cut off when Draco's arm goes to my waist and he pulls me into him, connecting our lips. Shit, is he a good kisser. I kiss him back gently before he pulls away. 'Actually?' He asks. I see a real smile playing on his lips.
'Actually.' I blush. He still has hold of my waist, and my arms are around his neck. 'So, now what?'

'You have two options, Draco. We either act like this whole thing never happened or . . .' I wait for him to finish for me, but he doesn't.
'Or you ask me out.' I shrug. He takes a minute to process this.
'Ask you out as in ask you to be my girlfriend?'
'Well, yeah.'
'Go on, then.' I encourage him. Draco takes a deep breath.
'Will you - you know . . . go out with me?'

'Jesus Draco, you need a lesson in how to ask a girl out.' I laugh. I take his hands. 'Just be calm, collected. Ask me, don't get awkward.'
'Will you go out with me?' Draco asks.
'Yes, I will. That was much better.'
'What, really?'
'Yes, really.' I shake my head and he takes my hand.
'One thing?'
'We don't tell anyone.' At this, I don't really know how to feel. 'Okay?'

'We - we live in a school, Draco. How will we meet? We'll have to act like friends, and I don't dig "friends with benefits".' I say.
'Just for a while, not forever. Please?' I take in his pleading expression and sigh but nod. 'Fine.' He grins and pecks my cheek.
'Thanks, you're the best.' He whispers.
'I know.' I drawl sarcastically, posing. Fucking hell, what is happening? Draco takes my hand and sits down on a rock, me on his knee. 'Should we just spend the rest of our time here, then?' He suggests.
'Yes and no. I still want to check a few places out.'
'Sure. In a few minutes?'

That few minutes turns into an hour. We sit on this rock, looking out over the Shrieking Shack for ages. 'It's supposed to be the most haunted building in Britain.' I survey the structure carefully. Draco looks at his watch. 'Come on then, you. We should go if we want to get somewhere.' He lifts me off his knee and takes my hand, kisses me, but after, I notice his eyes go wide. I follow his gaze and gasp, and Draco drops my hand immediately. The figure of Pansy Parkinson, both smirking but frowning at the same time, dives into the bush with its dying leaves and vanishes from sight. Oh, shit.

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