Chapter 8

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'So, you'll speak to me again?' Draco asks hopefully, and I see a glint in his eye.
'I have been speaking to you, just not as much.'
'I mean properly?' Draco presses. I look at him before waving my wand, so my quill stands on its point and starts moving along the desk to its own accord. 'Yes, Draco. If you promise not to land me in trouble again.'
'I won't, I swear I didn't see you.' He glances down at my quill.
'Reckon you could make mine do that?' He asks, causing me to shoot him a look, before quickly adding, 'I was joking.'

It has been just over a week since we had our detention. The story travelled around the school remarkably quickly, but it did get exceptionally twisted along the way. By the time it got back to us, people were asking if we'd all been sent to the hospital wing with deadly spider bites. That did cause me to laugh so much I nearly weed myself. Draco agreed with the story, which meant I felt a more intense anger towards him than I already did, as he'd still got me into trouble whether or not he saved me from that thing.

I didn't talk to him or look at him for a whole two days, despite his many attempts. I refused to hear him, blocked him out. I needed to cool off, and the last thing I needed to do was talk to him; he'd just make me angry all over again and I didn't think I could deal with that. After forty eight hours, I began to engage in extremely brief conversation with him. I would refuse to talk to him for more than a few minutes, increasing that amount each day. He deserved a cold shoulder.

'So,' He picks up his wand and points it at his quill, which hovers momentarily before clattering back onto the table, 'we're good?'
'Yes, we are. Come here, you're not doing the movement right.' I say, standing and putting my hand over his on his wand. 'Now, it's all in the wrist, okay?' I whisper, for my lips are level with his ear. I practice the wand movement with him before pointing it at the quill and repeating it, so the quill picks itself up and starts wandering over the desk. 'Like that.'
'You're brilliant, you are.'
'You didn't have to tell me.' I shrug sarcastically, laughing. I notice Hermione looking at us and hurriedly sit back down.

When the bell rings, I see Hermione motioning to me. I turn to Draco. 'I'll meet you usual spot, yeah? I just need to talk to Hermione a moment.'
'Okay. See you there.' Draco leaves the classroom as I turn to Hermione.
'What was that?'
'What was what?' She folds her arms impatiently.
'That . . . thing with Malfoy. Helping him with his wand movements.' She cringes. 'Do you like him or something?'
'What? No! He was just stuck, he was doing his wand movement wrong and it was getting on my nerves.' I look at her incredulously.
'Sure.' She rolls her eyes and leaves, and I walk down to meet Draco under the tree by the black lake, our usual spot.


A few months later

'I know you're busy with your essay, but this is important!' Harry wails. I look up at him from the table. 'We need to see Professor McGonagall, you know it can't wait!'
'I'm coming, Harry.' I catch sight of Draco and wave as I roll up my parchment, and he waves back. 'God.' I hear Harry mutter, but I choose to ignore it. The second my parchment is in my bag, he grabs my hand and practically makes me run with him to McGonagall's room. We meet Ron and Hermione at the end of the corridor, and together we all speed into the classroom.

'We need to speak to Professor Dumbledore, immediately!' Harry rushes.
'I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore isn't here.'
'He received an urgent owl from the Ministry and left at once.'
'But this is important! This is about the Philosopher's Stone.' McGonagall looks shocked. 'Someone's going to try and steal it. Tonight.'
'I don't know how you four know about the Stone but I can assure you it's perfectly safe.' McGonagall says dismissively, and we leave the room.
'Now what?' Ron huffs.
'We go down the trap door. Tonight.'

I make my way back to the Great Hall to finish my essay. 'Hey.' I hear someone say and feel a weight on the bench. When I look up, I see Draco. 'Hi.' I mutter, writing ferociously.
'Library tonight as usual?' Draco asks. More than often we will meet after tea and go there. 'Not tonight, I can't. Something important has come up, so I won't be able to go tonight. Tomorrow, yeah?'
'Erm . . . okay? What's so urgent?'
'It's just something with Hermione. I promised her I'd give her a hand with a few things.' Draco opens his mouth to say something, but closes it straight away. I have a slight urge to hug him, I can't lie.

What if we don't come back? That Stone will have been given unlimited protection, protection so strong it could kill, which makes me even more fretful than I already am. If there's a giant three-headed dog guarding the place then I can't imagine what else must be there to guard the object. 'I'm almost finished this, I'll have to go back to the common room after that. But I'll come over and see you at tea, right?'
'Right.' Draco nods, and I give him a weak smile as I bend low over my essay, writing my concluding sentences.

At tea, me, Hermione, Harry and Ron eat rapidly, quickly. I finish my food in ten minutes flat, and get up to go and greet Draco, as promised. 'Hey.' I say, tapping him on the shoulder. He turns around when he sees me, grinning a little. I grin at him but glare at all of the other Slytherins who are shooting me daggers. 'Hi, what's up?'
'Just living up to a promise.' I shrug.
'Good, I need to ask a favour.'
'And what is that?'
'Have you done the Charms essay yet?' I nod. 'Could you help me out with it?'
'If you mean practically write it for you, no. If you mean help you with little bits, yes.'
'Thanks, you're brilliant.'
'You always say that.' I roll my eyes. I hear someone shouting my name and turn around to see who it is. Hermione. 'I've got to go. That thing.' I mumble. After I bade Draco farewell, I note that the Slytherins look disgusted and am left feeling triumphant. 'Malfoy.' Ron mutters.
'Shut up.' I snap. 'What now?' I ask Harry.
'Now, we wait.'

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