Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


                        Every moment, leading up to this one was wonderful. However, in this moment, I felt like I was in that car. I felt my skin tingle and my bones become stationary. The words that came out of my mouth were broken, but they felt like screams in my head. "I think this is the car that hit me," I repeat. Eliza's hands are on my skin; they felt like fire. "What do you want to do?" I hear her voice like a whisper. "I just want to get out of here." Eliza got into the car, and I moved my legs to do so. I could not process what was happening to me. I think I am in shock, because if I was not I would storm into that art show and punch Thomas in his face. However, all I want to do right now is get far away from here, and that car. I wanted to sit in solitude. I wanted to lay in my bed, and be close to Eliza's heartbeat. I wanted her to wrap me in her arms, but at the same time, I wanted her to leave me be.

                    She didn't ask any questions in the car, something I know she is used to. I was thankful that she understood. That the wheels in my head were turning and I do not know how to make them stop. "I made you a glass of water, when you are ready to come to me, come to bed, or even talk to me, then it will be waiting." Once we got home, I went immediately to the bathroom. I rinsed my face with cold water; Eliza tried to comfort me from the bathroom. "I do not know what to say," I called out. "Don't say anything then, just come out," I opened the door slowly, and Eliza was on the other side. She had on a big t-shirt and had her hair braided, ready for bed.

                    "I didn't know I was in there that long," I stepped towards the bed. Everything I felt, still not coming to words. "I understand," That's all she said. I looked to the ceiling before saying anything else. I had to get my thoughts together. "Do you? Because I don't. What do I do?" There was a silence, and any other day, I would love just to hear the sound of her breathing. "We will go to the hospital tomorrow. I am sure Thomas will be there, and you can talk with him." Eliza suggested, and I just nod my head. "A man to man conversation," I agree a low voice. I was looking forward to give this guy a piece of my mind. I might even, kick his ass. We will see.

                 "Will you stay up with me?" I forgot what the day was. I never saw the reason for keeping track. Nowadays it was cold, so lying under the covers with Eliza felt just right. "Of course I will," I felt her body begin to come close to mine. "Do you have anything on your mind?" She asked, feeling my arms around her waist. The wheels finally started to slow down. "No. Nothing at all." I fought against my sleep, because I know what kind of dreams I'll have.

                   Tonight I was planning to shower her. In every way possible, I was going to make her happy. "I'm coming home from work," I got everything ready for her arrival the flowers, the music, and the gift. "Welcome home," the house is dimly lit the kind of atmosphere that turned you on or made you super tired. "Jack, what is this?" Her eyes are full with wonder. "Where is the whine?" Eliza asked. We had made a spot at the table to eat. After our bellies were full, I sat in front of her. My hands were on her legs, hopefully to be on her thighs.

          "Oh shit, I forgot it!" I stand up to quickly, "I'll get it. You have done enough," She kissed me on the cheek and promised that she would return. "If I am gone for too long and you become impatient, start without me," She gives me a wink before closing the door. She knew I liked it better when she was here. It felt so much better.


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