Chapter 2

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The first day I saw her, it was in a library. That was pretty lame of me, but it was a hobby for her. Reading book and humming songs; that was her. “Where are you, Napoleon?” I was studying French. I should’ve taken Spanish because it was way easier. I picked up a book that said “Language for Dummies” some how-to- language guide.

“Your one of those guys,” she said. And that’s when I saw her face. It was in a public library, so cursing really loud would’ve gotten me in trouble with the librarians. “Shit!”  I whispered. She laughed and it was average, nothing special. “Excuse my French, but you frightened me. “ I spoke in my inside voice. “Nice, I know French too,” I hoped she’d be a badass and spit some curse words at me. Suivant cutie temps, obtenir sur Youtube ou prendre espagnol” – “Next time cutie, get on YouTube or takes Spanish.”  She whispers in my ear.

 I was interested in her. I didn’t lie when it came to those things. When I see her again, I’d say something in French. 'Hey little mama let me whisper in your ear,' I have to seriously learn that.  “I have no idea what you said.” I say. “I’ve got to go.” She whispers again. Her curls bounce as she walks away.  I left her a message in the books. I would come back tomorrow and hoped she got the message.

The French books had some simple words in them that I understood without using Google Translate.  I circled the words and bunny ear the pages. “You are” on a random page, “very pretty” on another. Hopefully it was a clear message. I wanted to show her that her first impression of me wasn’t stupidity.  I hoped to see her again, and she’d think I was cute as well. I would say I was desperate for her attention, but I didn’t want to be a bitch.

_ _ _

“I didn’t know you went here,” And that was a lie. I saw her yesterday, the way her hair laid on her shoulders and the way her jacket covered her skin. The way her clothes slimmed to her body and the way she moved. Damn, I was attracted to her. “You’ve seen me before, Jack” We walk into the same class. “Are you going to the library today?” I ask her. She’d get the message for sure if I showed her. “I have to go job-hunting, so I don’t know if I’ll make it,” She said, and I hope she was just joking.

“Oh, okay.” I brush it off but, I wanted this girl to like me. We were in History class together. History was not my strong suit, and neither were these other subjects. We had to do a book scavenger hunt, and I have not been paying attention at all through this chapter. “Jack?” I hear her whisper to me from behind.  I ignore her and turn the music up in my ears. “Are you listening?” She whispers again. “No,” I say bluntly, because I wasn’t and I didn’t care.

 “This is why you don’t know French.” The bass in “Started from the Bottom” by Drake is banging in my ears. “Ok Jack, vous ne avez aucune idée de comment mignon vous êtes, mais vous êtes si stupide.“ -  “Ok Jack, you don’t know how cute you are, but you are so stupid.”   I heard her say but I have no idea what any of it meant. “Did you say my name?” I pull of an earphone from my ear and say.  “Never mind” She mumbles and moves on to her work. Damn this girl was pretty when she was irritated. I wonder what she looked like when she was filled with pure joy.

“What makes you think she’ll go for you?” Marcus whispers to me in French class. “I’m tired of people whispering! Why is everyone whispering?” I yell. “Excusez-moi?” –“Excuse me” the teacher said something in French and I rolled my eyes. “Nothing,” I grabbed the hall pass and walked out the door. Iw as over exaggerating about this girl. I am Jack Ellis, I am a good guy.

“Jack, aren’t you supposed to be in French class?” I see her again. “Yes….?” I blanked out on her name, realizing I didn’t know it. “Mon nom est Eliza” Eliza. Eliza is such a pretty name and a little odd for her. She doesn’t look like an Eliza. “Hi Eliza,” I say and I smile. “Hi Jack.” I smile at her again I was making a fool out of myself. “I’ll try to make it to the library,” She said and I her eyes. Her brown eyes met with my own and I saw them sparkle. “Okay.” 

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