Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


                I used the doctor's techniques to have a good sleep. I didn't always need Eliza to hum to me. Especially when we were watching those dumb movies and I feel asleep instantly. When I did, it was raining and I had my hood up. I went for lunch after a day of work at the office. I walked outside and around the corner to this sandwich place; I planned to grab my sandwich then go back to work. My shoes were getting wet and so were my pants. I strolled past the park on the way back to work for a shortcut because I skipped lunch because of the rain. It was coming down harder and harder, so I picked up my pace. I started to run. My legs were finally good for walking, but now I was running. Pounding my feet on the ground and moving my arms in front of me. I felt the wind against my skin and loved it.

                 My heart was racing and I wanted more of that feeling. The feeling of being free. I was in love. I ran and ran until I got back to my job. I was breathing hard and desperate for some water. "Are you okay?" A voice said; Eliza's voice. "Did you see me running, babe? I felt like I was flying." I told her. She looked at me like I was behind a glass wall, and I had my back turned to her. "Jack?" Why can't she look at me? "Eliza, look into my eyes," My mind was letting me live my dream, but now if I wake up, it will all go away. 

            "Jack?" She says again. I opened my eyes, releasing the dream. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She was wrapped up in my arms; her back to my chest. "You heart was just beating really fast. I could feel it." I wasn't gonna have a heart attack in my sleep. I'm fine. "I'm okay. I just need some water." I get up from the bed and walk to the kitchen. I walked slowly to the fridge and grabbed the jug of water. My grip wasn't bad and I could the floor under me, it was just numb. Some of my limbs still tingled. I drunk some water and headed back to the bedroom.

                      "You were dreaming. What of?" Eliza asks me in a soft voice. At first, I wasn't gonna tell. I was gonna write about it and then lay back down. But it was late and keeping my feelings from her made her upset, I could see that. "I was running. I dreamt that I was running and I loved it." I told her. And once I confessed one thing, everything else spilled out as usual. "When you dropped me off today, I was early. I had to wait and then the doctor looked like a creeper and it was freaked me out a bit. But once I got into the room, he told me that every place is a safe place and that it would be okay. And it was after a while because I started to relax and I told him what happened, or at least what I remember. It was hard, because my mind was racing like having a headache and listening to music with bass. Eliza, all I see is red. And red was the color of the stoplight, when I sat in that car and got hit. I got hit by a car, and I don't remember." Eliza was awake now.

             Her coiled hair was flowing around her head and her brown eyes were glowing up at me. I was in love. I am in love, and I could see the love in those pretty eyes of hers. She was wrapped in arms once again for the millionth time. And all I've ever wanted was to hold her and be honest. But the fact was that, I can't remember and it's eating me way at me. "Jack, that's why this has to take time. You mind is—" I stop her. "My mind is blocked. I can't remember. I can't remember what happened to me. Eliza, I can't remember anything that happened after getting hit by that car. I lay asleep in a hospital bed for five months only to remember you, our love, my shitty life, and nothing else. Eliza, I hate not being able to have control of my mind. Sitting here telling you this now, I'm losing control." There goes the banging feeling in my head. I need to sleep. Stop talking, Jack.

             "Jack you're not losing control. You need to gain control, because this accident is your second life. You have control over what happens now. Don't do this to yourself," Her arms are wrapped around me again and her embrace was tight. This is a safe place. This place can be a safe place, if I make it safe; an open place. Eliza was opening the door. Walk through it Jack. It's okay. "I just need to get a hold of my mind and my own thoughts. That's all I want," I walked into the door. "Jack, I know you can do it. You're strong. Your mind is your power and so it is your heart. Now go to sleep," She closed it both behind us.


               After another therapy session with Dr. Lund, I made Eliza's heart an open place. She stopped pushing a bit and let me loose. I went to my first physical therapy session and I cried. I was using my legs and walking on a treadmill. I cried. The tears fell down, because I remembered my dream. The dream I wrote down and read before I came here. I should believe that I can use my legs and run, but it's so damn hard. And I cried. "Jack you just need to have control, strength, and courage," The trainer told me. She told me over and over, and gave me a tissue when I was crying. "I'm trying," I told her and myself. "I know you are," Eliza said when I told her about my day. "Can we have McDonald's? I want something fast and unhealthy," I said, but she refused. "You need to eat something healthy, so no. We are gonna have salads." Oh she kills me with healthy foods. "Can we go by and see Debra? She can make us something." I suggested and we got in the car and left.

              Debra was so excited to see us. Her smile was bright, it made me smile as well. "What can I do for you lovely people?" She asked and I held myself back from saying, "you can make us some food," so instead I said, "We just wanted to see a lovely lady like you," Eliza smiled and agreed. "I have some cookies baking and I can make you guys some Frito chili pie, you like that?" She offered. Yes. Yes I do.

                   It was close to a week of being out of the hospital. But when I asked Debra about it, she told me to wait for the right time. So I would, yet I remember what I wrote and I still haven't accomplished it. "Debra, I didn't do what I said. It's been almost a week and haven't done anything I wrote in those letters." I tell her. Eliza had been out of the cafeteria for a while, and I made Debra wrap up some cookies for me. "Jack, I didn't have you write those things so you can fulfill them. Do you think I wrote mine because I knew I was gonna do that? That I was gonna have my own restaurant in a year; that I would have my husband's picture in my own kitchen. That my children were gonna come and see me? I wrote those things so I wouldn't lose hope. And so I can have something to strive for. Will they happen? They are just dreams after all, but I am gonna try hard enough." She says.

          "Are you saying I'm not trying hard enough, but to hell I am not? I am trying to make my life back to the way it was and even better with everything I have." She laughs in my face, like everything I said was joke. "I'm not saying you're not trying Jack, because I know that you are. What I'm saying is that it's okay. It's okay that you might not have fulfilled your dreams in a week. I knew you weren't. But I know you will, just not in a week." Debra hands me the warm cookies and kisses my cheek. "Thank you, Debra." I smile at her. "No problem, come back anytime if Eliza is mistreating you with food." I don't take any other food this time. I just take the cookies and the advice.

Hi GUys! It's me! 

It's late when I am updating and I apologize, but comment and vote! xoxo Sorry that this chapter is short, but I'm happy I updated. 

Question time! Tell me what you think! 

Jack is cute huh? And so are his chapters am i right?

Would you guys like me to post more media pictures? I have so many pictures of my characters ;)

If I told you guys that I was gathering ideas for a sequel, could you suggest some titles?

ENJOY YOUR READING, i hope you like the short chapter and once again, I'm sorry. 

Love you guys, have a good day, night, afternoon, morning, I don't know. :) 

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