Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


             "Why do I have to keep coming in? Seriously Dr. Lund, I feel great," I acknowledged the fact that my mind needs resting and I need to relax. But hearing that's speech once a week, didn't help. "I am here to assist you; and to listen to your problems, emotions, and anything else around that area. I reduced your session, but I haven't released you yet, because I can see that you still don't remember. So you still need to see me." The doctor explains, and he wasn't wrong. Yes, my memories have gotten stronger and vivid each time I have one. But it's always the same feeling, the same thing over and over again, just even more intense.

               He's here to help me heal my mind, but I just want to do it on my own. "I know...but for once can we not talk about the accident or my relationships. Can we talk about you?" I proposed, because I was tired of talking about the things I couldn't control. "We aren't here to talk about me, but I know something your interested in. Writing, I want you to write in that journal you mentioned last time, and bring it to me. The next time you come in we will look at it." I agree, and look forward to the next session, because that journal contains things that may unlock my head. "So now that I have agreed to do something, why don't we make a deal? You and I will—"

             Someone knocks at the door, and Dr. Lund rolls his eyes. He walks to the doors opens it. In comes a woman with her fist held to her face. "Oh, Dr. Lund, I am early for my session and I am sorry," The woman waves at me. She was older, but looked like she was here to talk more than her problems with Dr. Lund. Her British accent was thick as hell and her sweater was buttoned up to her neck. But that didn't stop the fact that her sweater was see through and her red bra was bright. "It's okay, Susan, just wait outside." He tells her and she does as she asked. "Who is that?" I smirk at Dr. Lund, and he blushes. "That is my wife, and before you ask what her problem is and why she needs a session, she doesn't. We are going for lunch," He smiles. "I think I can go early, today, doctor. Thank you. And forget the deal, I'll keep my end of it up," I tell him and I sign out.

             Devin comes to pick me up again, because Eliza said she took someone's hours. I waited for him outside and went to the jewelry store Eliza came to last time. It was a small store, but right in the front there was fashion jewelry. Yes, they were cheap and would probably make her finger turn green, but I wanted to get her something pretty. "Everything is a dollar or higher," The cashier said to me, and I thanked her. Let's see what we could find; last time she came in here, she showed me the dark rings she picked out. I found one that had a vintage look to it. The pearl in it was beautiful. Maybe I'd swing by a better jewelry place. A place where there were diamonds and gold.

                 I thank the cashier and make my way out of the store. Devin sent me the 'here' text and I walk back across the street to his car. "Hey man, how are you doing?" He says when I get to the car. "Hey, where's Rachel?" I ask. "She's at my apartment, but I interrupted some bangy-bangy time to come and get you so, yay," Devin complained and I laughed. "Do you guys have sex all the time?" It seems like the air was filled with hormones and everybody was breathing it in.

          "Um no, not all the time. But when we do it's great." He smiles, and I think it's a smile from the heart and not just his crotch. "Well that's good for you, and before you ask me about Eliza and I, having sex, then don't..." I acknowledged the fact that since I brought it up, he'd want to know about me and her. "Oh...kay..." Devin says, and he makes the turn to the apartment. "Have you an Eliza ever thought about moving into a house?" He mentions while we wait in the elevator. ", not really; I mean, we made this place our home when we got out of college, ya know? I've just never thought about it,"

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