Chapter 8

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She walked in with a smoothie in her hands. The way her body looked was just as I remembered.  She came to my side and pressed her lips to my forehead.

My mind refused my hands

I wanted to touch her.


         When I got over the fact that my parents were shitty people, Eliza kept me smiling. ”Are you okay?” I wanted to be alone but she wouldn’t have that. “Yes I’m fine,” I said the same thing all the time and so did she.  And every day I felt the same way. “You lie and I can see right through you.” She had me wrapped around her finger but this wasn’t it. Before my attraction became more than what it was, she was easy to talk to. “I’ll get through it, mmkay? I’m a strong boy. I can handle it.” And I could. I was going to. “I’ll believe that for now.” She kissed me on the forehead. That was when I really needed it. “Your forehead kisses, make me want to do more than kiss you back.” I winked at her. It was part of just needing a distraction, but it was also because I wanted her touch.

“Not now, Jack.” She went over to the corner of my room and grabbed her books from her backpack. “One day, let’s do more than study about history and French.” She smiled at me, as she made her way back to my bed.  “I’m still not convinced you know anything in French.” She bet me to speak French for the rest of the night. “You have to speak as much as you can.” And she would do the same. “And what happens when I win?” I test her back. “I have faith in you.” She smiled big and her hair laid on behind her as she lied down on her back. “That’s all I get? Faith. Well I hope you have a whole bunch, because I’m gonna kick your ass.” I pinned down her arms and got on top of her. “Maybe I’ll come over for more than your lovely company.” I liked this girl a lot.

 More than I thought because when she sort of rejected me, my upcoming boner went back down, and I just said okay. “Okay,” She repeated. “maintenant, nous devons commencer à apprendre de nouvelles choses avant que je commence à vous défier. »-- “Now we need to learn some new things before I challenge you.” She was going slow with me. And I didn’t tell her that I practiced some stuff, because I wanted to impress her.  “What do you know?” I said the classic, ‘hey little mama, let me whisper in your ear’ and she laughed so hard. “Other than that; what do you know?” She asked. “I know what I know.” She smirked at me.  I heard the slamming of doors and I knew one of my parents were home.

“Where is the wine when you need it?” I heard her yell. “Maybe we can try this another time?” I didn’t want Eliza to be here when I try to talk some since into my mother. “In French…?” She urged me. I gave her a warm look, and then worked my French magic. “Nous pouvons peut-être essayer une autre fois “ She gave me a kiss for my sucess. “I’ll text you later,” I helped her out to avoid my mother’s drunken calls. “She’s a pretty one,” She said and I replied with thank you and helped her to the couch. “Why doesn’t she come over for dinner? One night when your father isn’t here.” I knew deep down my father was a horrible man and that he and my mother weren’t happy. They stayed together for me, but I knew I was ruining it even more.

 “I know you hate him.” She took another swig of her drink and nodded. “But I love you, which is why I am with him.” My beaten heart skips a beat. “I love you too.” And I do. She was my mother. However, I knew she wasn’t gonna remember she said it tomorrow or ever. So I cherished the moment and I sat next to her. “Is Robert coming home, Jack?” She asked me. I nodded my head no. I figured he wouldn’t be. Her cellphone had messages from him and I listened to them. I heard my father’s voice on the phone. He was drunk just like she was. “Rhonda, I want to say sorry. I know I’m a poor husband,” No shit. “And I love you,” He was quiet after saying that. I heard a gulping noise like he was taking down another drink. “And Jack,” Once again my heart sunk down.

 “I know I am not the best man to you and him. And I know I have issues and I know how my anger affects you guys,” He knew? I don’t believe that. When people are drunk like this, they babble about what’s on their mind. And if this was on his mind, why can’t he speak up. I want to say “it’s okay dad,” and forgive him, but damn it was so hard. “I’ll be a better husband to you,” He was saying all these things that couldn’t be very true. If he wanted to be, he had to try. And every day it was a different story.

He said he loved my mother over and over. And it cut off when he started to talk about coming home.  “Your father is a good man.” And she started to cry, and I wiped away her tears. Usually when my parents got drunk, they didn’t speak to one another, and they always yelled at me. But now that everything was coming off of their minds, I didn’t know what to believe. “I know he was,” My father wasn’t always bad. Both of my parents weren’t always bad. However, now the bad memories and the bad things stuck. 

Hi guys! It's Kobi. I hope you like what I'm writing so far xo I'm happy I can write for you guys and I love that a few of you comment. Keep that coming :) 

How do you like it so far?

Aren't Jack's memories so cute? 

Don't you just love him?

I'll stop now with the questions. But if any of you want to contribute ideas or anything, you can message me. I won't bite! xo but yes, enjoy and I'll update soon. Bye! ;)

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