Chapter 3

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Jack was a never a humble guy. But he was shy when I finally got to know him outside of school and beyond the front he pulled on for people.  I missed the smart remarks and the kind words he’d say. Jack had always been perfect to me. It had been almost 6 months since he’d been in the coma. I remember the night like it happened to me. I wonder if that’s what he dreams of… He’s got all this time on his hands, to sit and think. I wonder if he does that. I watch him every day for 5 hours for months.

The doctors said a head injury caused by a car accident usually last for 6 months… I was waiting on him. I know he’ll wake up. He’s Jack; my Jack. “What the hell?” I say as a few doctors stand around him. “I did as you asked and checked up on him, Eliza, and I checked him out and his fingers were moving. I looked at his eyes. I am not authorized to do a full checkup, for him, so I had a team of doctors check his progress.” The nurse explained. “He hasn’t moved or opened his eyes before?”

 I didn’t know. Most of the time I spent with him; I was cleaning his face and reading over what he used to write. I was trying to gain the memory of him from my memories. “No, not that I am aware of,” I say. I start to get nervous. He could be doing bad or progressing. “Jack is progressing greatly. Earlier the nurse touched his hand and he was slowly counting to 3,”


I was hearing his voice in my head count to three.  I felt the pressure in my face to cry. “That’s great. I know that… I might know why he’s counting.” The memories of him bring me happiness. I cried these tears, because he is surviving this. “He shows signs eye response, verbal response, and motor response. Obviously his motor skills are great, and his eye and verbal responses are equal. Jack has a Glasgow Number of 14, which is wonderful. He will stay here another week or two for checkup and test. Then after he is conscious, we will talk about therapy.” I tear up some more. One of the doctors is shining a light in he’s eyes and I watch his brown eyes follow the light. He doesn’t speak but his eyes flutter when he sees me. He’s slowly moving his hand to touch mine. “Salut Jack”- “Hi Jack”


He’s looking around at the wall and to me. I don’t know if he’s registered my face yet or if he knew who I was. I remembered who he was clearly and I wanted so bad to hug him.  I leave the room and his eyes were watching me walk away. “I saw the nurse and doctors in his room, how’s he doing?” By the tears in my eyes, Debra assumed the worst but I told her how he was doing. “I’ll have to make him some lunch when he’s able to eat!” Debra was here for Jack and me, since he came in the day of the accident. I cried so much in my coffee on the first day, she gave me a free one.

“Thank you Debra,” I walked around the bar and hugged her. “Maybe I should make you some lunch,” I laughed and I let her make me a chicken sandwich. She took her break and we both sat down and ate it. “This very good.” I recognized the taste of spinach instantly. “I thought you were a green leaf person,” And I was. I loved spinach. “Thank you again, Debra,” She laughed her county laugh and it was sweet. “I’m a sweet and magical woman. I’ve heard it before.” She ate her sandwich with all kinds of different meats on it. “I’m a hearty woman as well.” She laughs again and I smile. “What did the doctors say?”  Every day for almost 6 months I had the same answer and I had the same reason.

“He was progressing greatly. His responsive skills and motor skills were great. I wasn’t here when he first moved which makes me sad.” Debra smiled and gave me a look. “It doesn’t matter if you were there or not. You’ll be there when it’s just you and him at home, when he recovers from this.” I assumed she was talking about sex. And I thought about sex with Jack for a little while. I couldn’t really remember the last time we did that, but everyone remembers their first time. My first time was with him, but it didn’t happen as planned.  I pushed it aside and laughed.  I headed back to his room and smiled as I saw his eyes looking at me.

“Hi Jack,” I say coming over to him. I was used to his eyes being clothes and he was motionless. Now he was moving his fingers and trying so hard to speak correctly. “Hi” He could muster that out and I was proud.” You’re doing very well sweetheart.” I say to him. I watch him for a while and I decided to read from his book.  It was late and I called Devin and asked him to bring me clothes. “Jack opened his eyes and is showing good signs,” He says thank you and agrees to get me some clothes. 

“Are you staying overnight today, Ms. Ellis?” Oh my fucking gosh. I laughed louder than I should have at that. “Jack and I aren’t married…” It was the first time I’ve heard that. “Oh I just assumed of how loyal and supportive you are of him.” The doctor mentioned my ring. “It’s more of a promise ring than an engagement one,” I told the doctor. “Well I’m sorry. I don’t think I’ve really introduced myself. We talked earlier.” He was the slightly attractive doctor. “Yes we did. I am Eliza Jacob.” I shook his hand. “I’m Doctor Oberon, and my nurses and I have been checking up on Jack for the times he has been here. As I said before, his progress seems great once he is fully awakened we will talk about any kind of therapy needed.” He hands me a few papers and I put my initials and name on it.

 Another nurse comes in and takes them from me. “Can you give me a blanket or two? I’m sorry to bother you.” I ask her. She was checking Jack’s monitor and setting a glass of water next to his bedside. “It’s okay. You aren’t the first to ask tonight. And that water is for you.” She talks about the needy guy down the hall with another comatose patient. “He is really attractive but when he starts talking, he won’t stop.” I walked down the hall with her to get the blankets. “Here you go, sir.” She gives the blanket to a blonde man with a wife beater on. “Thank you,” The man turns to get the blanket from the nurse and make eye contact with me.

“I told you I see you here.” My body seems to change temperature and I walk fast to get back down the hall. “I didn’t mean to scare you!” I hear the man I saw at the restaurant yell. I laid on the pull out chair in corner of the room. I kissed Jack on the forehead. His eyes move a little and I could tell he was sleeping. I couldn’t hear him breathing but I heard the taping of his fingers on the bars attached his bed. “Bonne nuit, Jack,” – “Goodnight Jack,” 

Memories of Jack & Eliza (BWWM)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin