I took a left and saw a hallway with three rooms to the left and two to the right. I opened the first on the left and saw that it was a bedroom. It was pretty small but cute in it's own way. The next one had a wonderful view out of the side window and the last one was the biggest on with a huge bed and walk-in closet with a bathroom connected to it.

I went across the hall on the right side and checked out the first room which turned out to be a closet and the second which turned out to be another bathroom. By this time, Adam had come in wiht out stuff. "So I see you totally ditched me for the house," he said pouting. "Yep, you totally got me there," I said playfully. "Come on, let's go to the beach." We went through our clothes and I found my green bikini, went to the bathroom and changed and then waited for Adam to do the same.

When he came out, I had to stop myself from drooling. His body looked so awesome and it was all I could do not to pull him into the bedroom make love to him right then and there. He gave me a grin and took my hand in his before getting the keys off the counter along with our towels before leaving. I guess unpacking was going to have to wait until later.

We walked down the beach for a few minutes in silence just enjoying the scenery and each other. All of a sudden, I was pushed into the water and I screamed. I went under for a couple of seconds before I popped back up glaring at Adam. He looked at me innocently and I said challengingly "Oh, it's on," before dragging him in with me as we had a water fight. After that we got tired and decided to float.

Soon I felt Adam's hand tugging my hand towards shore as we went back over to where our stuff was. We both laid on our towels and I said "Let's play would you rather."

"Okay, I'll start. Would you rather go to public or private school?" Hmm good question.

"Well I guess it depends. I mean private schools are notorious for having annoying, stuck-up kids and uniforms. It would suck to have to go through that. I guess public schools are sort of like that too except there's more diversity. So probbaly public school."

"Yeah, same here. Private school is not something I want to have to live through."

"Agreed. Would you rather have your honeymoon in Paris, France or Maui, Hawaaii?"

He seemed to think about it for a moment before he said "Well it doesn't really matter to me. I mean I can speak French so it would be up to you. " I gave him a confused look. "Why would it be up to me? Wouldn't that be for you and your wife to decide?" HIs face fell. "Well I was actually hopping that someday that would be you but I get it if you don't want to..."

Regection and pain was written all over his face and it completely broke my heart to see him like that. I honestly hadn't thought that he would look far enough in his future to see me becoming a permanent part of it. Of course I wanted to be with him forever but I wan't for sure that's what he wanted. Weren't boys the ones who were always afraid of committment?

I realized that in my mini rant in my head, Adam had been looking more and more hurt. I touched his shoulder tentatively and said softly "Adam, " he turned slighly but didn't look at me. "Adam, look at me," I said and his eyes finally met mine. "You know I love you right?" He nodded slightly.

"Then you know I want to--" I cut myself off with a scream. "Ahh," I yelled as something bit my arm. In a split second Adam was standing in front of me killing whatever it was that bit me. I saw something move and after a few cracks from Adam it stopped. After he moved slightly, I could see that it was a crab. I glanced at me arm and saw that I had only gotten pinched. I sighed in relief and I felt the pain already subsiding.

I looked over at Adam and saw that he was picking up all our stuff. "We should go inside, I think we've had enough for tonight," he said giving me a small smile but there was something missing. In that moment standing there looking at him, I felt nothing but love. I would do anything for him and be there for him for everything he needed. And right now I knew exactly what he needed to rock his world.

The Triple R's of Life:Regret,Remorse,Reaccess(Repeat)Where stories live. Discover now