Party *

911 53 5

I stood in front of the full length mirror in the bathroom in nothing but my black underwear. I was getting ready for this party that seemed to be the hype around the house at the moment. Guests had already arrived and I could hear the light sounds of soft music drifting up the stairs. Johnny had gone down about thirty minutes ago. He left a big dress bag hanging on the wardrobe door. He looked so handsome when he kissed me on the cheek before he left the room. I could see the look of concern in his eyes as he gave me one last look before leaving. I finished applying a small layer of red lipstick on my lips before dabbing of the excess with a tissue. Popping my lips together I ran my fingers through my long curly deep brown hair.

Exiting the bathroom I walked towards the dress bag and unzipped it. A long black tight fitted dress that flowed out from the hips was inside. Small diamonds lined the dress at the low dipping neck line. I looked down at my bra, well I guess I would not be wearing you. The silt down the centre of the dress stopped just above where my scars would show. I was grateful that Johnny had though of that. The dress was beautiful tho, I smiled at it as I removed it from it hanger and laid it across the bed. Unclipping my bra I dropped it to the floor as I slipped into the dress. The back of it had a zip that stopped just above my ass. It was backless but the straps on the arms came around leaving a diamond shape on my back. Where my skin was visible for all to see. Just to the side of the bed where a pair of black pumps. They matched the dress with diamond on the heal. Slipping my feet into the heels I walked around the bed bending down to pick a thigh strap and a small handgun.

When I looked back into the mirror one last time what met me was not what I had expected. The dress was beautiful and the woman in it looked nothing like me. Putting a fake smile on my face I pushed all my feeling aside and took the steps to what left like my death. Fitting really as I was wearing black. With each step that I took down the staircase my insides where jumping with worry. I felt so open to everyone, I was not one to attend parties of this type as a guessed. I normally was the one in the shadows making sure nothing went down.

As the doors opened to the hall my eyes as well as many other eyes in the room turned to look upon her. There she stood at the top of the stairs like something out of a Disney film. I smiled as her eyes scanned the hall then fell upon mine. Even from this distance I could see the small blush on her cheeks. Perfect that is what she was, "excuse me gentlemen" I nodded my head at the men I had just been having a conversation with. Not that I had been paying attention to what they where saying anyway. It was always business with them guys, tonight was not about business it was a time to just relax. Taking strong strides towards my woman I smirked at her as she took each step on the stairs carefully. Her eyes staying on mine, people moved out of my way.

When her feet hit the bottom of the stairs she raised her head to look up at me as I placed my hand on the curve of her back. Her skin was so soft, I ran my fingers up and down her spine. Her eyes blinked closed as I pulled her towards my chest leaning into her slowly. As my lips skimmed over her jaw towards her ear. "You look beautiful Rose, stunning" I whisper to her as I feel her shudder under my words. The smirk grows on my lips as I lightly kiss just below her ear. "Johnny put the poor girl down" Mary's voice pulls me back to reality. I had totally forgotten where we were for a second and my mother sure brought all the noise crashing back down on me. Pulling back slowly I look into Roses eyes the bush on her cheeks more noticeable now. I turn my eyes away from the beauty to look at my mother.

She stands with her hands on her hips shaking her head at me. "Come on dear" she takes hold of Roses hand and pulls her away from me. "Excuse my sons behaver he lost his will to think soon as you walked through them doors." She still stands shaking her head at me as she turns around and pulls Rose to follow her. My smirk is whipped of my face and in its place is a frown. Really mom right now would not be a great time to pull my woman away. I could still see the longing eyes of half the men in the room looking at her. "Well it looks like Rose is going to be in for one hell of a night" I turn to give a death glair at my brother who just laughed and walks off.

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