Mirror *

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It had been less then a day and all my stuff was already packed away in boxes. Men walking in and out lifting them one at a time. I sat on my sofa watching as the twins lugged everything into boxes. Johnny had been so happy when I had agreed to move in with him. Little did I know it was not just him I had agreed to move in with. I had been pulled around the house, given a quick tour of the place. The house was full of men, Tony even lived there to with his wife. Yes wife oh was I shocked to find that little bit of information out. The way he flirted with me and touched me I had always though he was a Bachelor. Not a married man, tho you would have never though he was the way they acted around each other. She looked well, miserable. Johnny did not let me say long in her presence and pulled me out of the room with just a small hello.

There was some family party tonight and I had been told that I was going but not as just some back up. No I would be attending as Johnny's, well I am not sure what I am. I started to feel a little sick if I am to be honest thing where moving a little to fast for my liking. I was not the kind of woman to stay around long. If you know what I mean. Yes sure I have feeling for this man but I am not sure my feeling run deep enough for me to accept all the changes in my life. Pushing my confused feeling aside I stand from my seating and walk into my bedroom. The only place left untouched. I sigh as I walk towards my wardrobe pushing everything aside I bend down and lift my big bag of nicknacks. I don't go anywhere without this bag I always take it with me. Placing it on my bed I zip it up and carry on with packing a few clothes.

Time had flown by and before I knew it I was pulling up outside of Johnny's place. The twins behind me in the black van that had all my belongings inside. My fingers tighten around the steering wheel as I breath fast and heavy. What was I thinking when I had agreed to all this, was I making a huge mistake. I watched out of the windshield as maids and butlers helped carry thing inside. I looked down at the wheel as it groaned in protest. My grip loosened as I sigh one last time regret seeping through me. Deep down I knew this day would have to come but I had hopped I would still have sometime to correct a few things before it did. But as per usual my plans had not gone to plan and I had to improvise. Yes improvise. I repeat in my head. Tho I was starting to think me and the voice that spoke to me where two different people.

Shaking my head of all the crazy thoughts I take a deep breath and push open the door to the car. I can't let my fears of failing get to me or I am sure I will fail if I do. Pulling my black bag from the passenger seat I sling the heavy thing over my shoulder and take strong confident steps towards the house. Tony stands smiling at me as I enter. "Tony, it has been forever." I greet him as he laughed and pulls me in for a hug. Making me drop my bag so I can hug him back "you only saw me this morning Rose." Well it sure felt like a long time since this morning I say to myself. "Well Johnny sent me to greet you as he is not here at the moment, come on the guys will take care of your stuff." As he says that Zach reaches down for my bag and picks it up with a huff "be carful with that." He nods his head and huffs again as he heaves it up the stairs.

Tony leaded me into a small sitting area that has a bar. Standing behind it he points to the shelf "what you want princess?" The smirk on his face almost gets wiped off as a voice calls from the shadows. "Could not wait for me to die before you move on Tony, what a shock" the sarcasm drips from the words. As I turn around and look into the eyes of the woman who says it. She walks towards me with a glass in her hand. Her heals making a clicking noise on the hardwood floor. Eyes never leaving mine as she stops a few feet away. Then them same lifeless eyes scan me over "not Johnny's normal type, boobs are real, no cleavage showing and you are sure not a blond." She walks around me and sits at the bar pouring herself another drink. "Tho from the look in my husbands eyes, you are his type." She lifts the glass to her lips and necks the whole thing back. Her eye look over at me one more time "oh don't worry sweetheart, it won't be the first time I know about my husbands affairs" she goes to lift the bottle again to pour herself another drink. When Tony grabs it out of her hand and moves around the bar to firmly grin her arm. He pulls her out of the seat and into a standing position, "I am sorry Rose, if you will excuse me and my wife." He spits out the last word as he pulls her out of the room.

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